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2019–20 Eastern Victorian bushfires

This page provides links to relevant support and other information to support community recovery from bushfires.

The 2019–20 Eastern Victorian bushfires had a devastating affect on Victorian communities, burning over many months and at the same time as other bushfires along the eastern seaboard and in other parts of Australia. Lives were lost, thousands were displaced and many communities were temporarily isolated.

Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV) was established to coordinate Victoria's recovery efforts and support community-led recovery in the affected areas. 

The impact

The bushfires resulted in far-reaching devastation for local people, communities, ecosystems, businesses and infrastructure. 

There was significant damage to the environment, loss of and damage to significant cultural heritage and large numbers of deaths of wildlife.

Over 1.5 million hectares of Country were burnt in the fires – an area containing more than 1,000 registered Aboriginal heritage places. Two hundred and forty-eight Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were impacted by the fires and 42 had homes destroyed or made unliveable.

Habitats and national parks were significantly impacted, with devastating effects for Victoria’s biodiversity.

State Recovery Plan

The State Recovery Plan sets out our comprehensive and coordinated plan for the recovery of communities impacted by the 2019–20 Eastern Victoria bushfires. 

View the full State Recovery Plan below.

ERV Statewide Recovery Plan
PDF 4.21 MB
(opens in a new window)

After the Flames

After the Flames is a document that aims to preserve experiences and stories from those who were impacted by Victoria’s most devastating bushfire season in more than a decade.

After The Flames - Community Reflections 2019-20
PDF 11.67 MB
(opens in a new window)
