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Classify a project

How to classify a project based on its size and complexity.

Classifying a project

Guidance material throughout this toolkit is generally dependent on the type of project you are undertaking, in particular its size and complexity. To ensure you are applying the appropriate guidance, classify the project by answering the questions outlined below.

You will not need to complete the questions if the project has been identified by the government as needing to comply with the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) High-Value-High-Risk (HVHR) Framework via DTF’s project profile model, as it is automatically classified as HVHR.

Please also note that some guidance within this toolkit, such as compliance with government frameworks, will be applied based on the project’s estimated total investment, rather than classification.

Types of projects

Project typeClassificationExamples may include:
Small projects with internal funding and pre-approval as part of a general allowance or program of works.Business-as-usual*Planned maintenance, replacement of equipment, staff relocations and building refurbishments.
Low-complexity projects that are either internally funded (under $20m) or form part of an externally funded program of works via a funding agreement.Low complexity*

Simple construction projects such as car parking, larger building refurbishments, structural repairs or upgrade works.

May need permits or design assistance, and may need some external reporting.

Medium-complexity projects that require external funding or internal funding of more than $20m.

These projects typically require strategic oversight and may involve complex stakeholder groups but do not trigger HVHR requirements.

Medium complexity*Development of a new building on-campus or a large-scale refurbishment with decanting or early works. It is likely external project management support would be utilised on a medium-complexity project.
Externally and internally funded projects that meet DTF’s HVHR definition*.HVHRDevelopment of a large-scale new building, commencement at a new campus, development with industry partners, or development of a facility with multiple or complex stakeholders.

*Any projects categorised as HVHR in accordance with DTF’s project profile model are considered HVHR projects.
