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Report of operations

2020-21 highlights


  • 315 new architect registrants with numbers decreased from the previous year, which is likely a flow on from the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) environment
  • 8,108 architects registered (practising and non-practising)
  • 193 requests from architects for change of class (practising and non- practising) has remained steady, which is attributed to correct classification messaging and coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts
  • 418 graduates registered for the Architectural Practice Examination
  • 403 registration related applications processed and completed
  • 88 new company registrations processed and completed
  • 14 Financial Hardship Applications seeking assistance through deferral on the payment of 2021-22 renewal fees received
  • 82% of architects’ 2020-21 renewal fees were paid by the 1 July 2021 due date


  • 67 professional conduct investigations initiated comprising both reactive and proactive investigations
  • 2 professional conduct matters referred to the Architects Tribunal for inquiry
  • 1 inquiry completed by the Architects Tribunal resulting in adverse findings
  • 63 professional conduct investigations completed and not referred for inquiry
  • 14 professional conduct investigations completed and not referred for inquiry, but written advice provided
  • 64 prohibited conduct investigations initiated

2020-21 in Review



  • Legislative amendments to Architects Act 1991 (Vic) came into operation
  • 2020 ARBV Forward Plan endorsed by Board
  • Practice Examination (APE) Part 1 – Logbook and Statement of Practical Experience
  • National Registrars Forum meeting


  • APE Part 2 – National Examination Paper conducted remotely (included candidates for the postponed April NEP)


  • National Registrars Forum meeting



  • APE Part 3 – Examination conducted by remote interview
  • ARBV’s 2019-20 Annual Report reported to Parliament


  • Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) Annual General Meeting
  • National meeting of architects registration boards
  • ARBV Registrar re-appointed as Chair of the National Architect Registration Boards Registrars’ Group
  • National Registrars Forum meeting
  • APE Part 3 interviews for session 1 and 2 held remotely


  • Board approved final 2 options for new leasehold



  • Recruitment for the CEO/ Registrar commenced
  • Provider engaged to deliver Customer Relationship Management system (CRM)


  • A plan for the revision of the Regulatory Strategy was agreed and the review commenced
  • APE Part 1 – Logbook and Statement of Practical Experience


  • Dr Glenice Fox appointed as CEO/Registrar
  • ARBV moved out of its premises at 372 Albert Street, East Melbourne
  • Election notice published in gazette for candidate nomination for Board election
  • ARBV provided a response to the AACA for the review of National Standard of Competency for Architects (NSCA)



  • National Registrars Forum meeting
  • Board approved updated Community and Engagement Strategy
  • Lease of new premises at Level 10, 533 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne commenced
  • Election process completed to nominate 2 architects for appointment by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister as members of the Board
  • Board Strategy Day held and attended by Board members and Leadership team
  • APE Part 2 – National Examination Paper conducted remotely


  • New CRM and ARBV Portal launched
  • New website launched integrated with the CRM sharing the Victorian Government Single Digital Presence platform
  • 2 workshops about the Victorian Building System Review conducted by the Expert Panel
  • The ARBV’s response to the Framework for Reform of the Building System submitted


  • Full suite of Regulatory Strategy documents, including a Proactive Strategic Plan and Performance Monitoring Framework and adoption of risk profiling methodology approved
  • Realigned organisational structure approved by the Board for implementation in 2021-22
  • 2021-2022 Business Plan and Delivery Plan approved by the Board
  • Revised Board Induction Manual approved by the Board
  • APE Part 1 – Logbook and Statement of Practical Experience
  • APE Part 3 – Examination conducted by remote interview

In 2020-21, the ARBV continued to enhance the delivery of its core functions and implemented several initiatives to improve regulatory outcomes and deliver its purpose to protect the community interest and instil confidence in the regulation, integrity and delivery of architectural services in Victoria.

Despite the coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions and working remotely, ARBV’s dedicated and capable team of staff worked with the Board on a very busy program of work focused on achieving best practice regulation, with several ongoing projects and key initiatives finalised or close to finalisation.

Priority areas focused on by ARBV in 2020-21 included:

  • revising the risk-based Regulatory Strategy and regulatory objectives underpinning the strategy and developing a proactive strategic plan, performance monitoring framework and risk profiling framework
  • embracing digital processes and improved data analytics by implementing a fit for purpose Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) operational for 2021-22 annual renewal of registration
  • launching a new more user-friendly website integrated with the CRM sharing the Victorian Government Single Digital Presence platform
  • developing guidance material for use by architects and consumers available on the website
  • providing leadership of the National Registrars Forum and co-operating with co-regulators to share information and insights
  • building on relationships with key stakeholders and Government
  • supporting Government improvement initiatives and participating in consultation processes exploring sectoral reforms
  • developing policies, processes and procedures to support delivery of core services
  • establishing a dedicated human resources function
  • workforce planning and assessing resources to ensure the organisational structure will enable ARBV to deliver its regulatory responsibilities and meet its obligations as a contemporary regulator
  • building improved and effective communications with consumers and architects
  • enhancing financial systems, processes and reporting and approach to risk management
  • improving Board systems and processes
  • working on relocating the office premises due to the redevelopment of the old site, ensuring appropriate facilities for staff and those attending for examinations, disciplinary hearings and other business.

The above focus by ARBV ensured that the expectations contained in the Ministerial Statement of Expectations for 2019-2021 relating to key governance and performance priorities were largely met, despite the challenges created by coronavirus (COVID-19).
