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Collaborative Centre E-News Recap - March 2024

The Collaborative Centre provides quarterly digital updates on our latest milestones, sector-wide thought leadership, and upcoming engagement and event opportunities.

Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at 5:29 am
Image of our Co-Ceos, Sarah Wilson and Carolyn Gillespie
We recently published the first edition of the Collaborative Centre e-News for 2024!  

The Collaborative Centre provides quarterly digital updates on our latest milestones, sector-wide thought leadership, and upcoming engagement and event opportunities.  

This month’s edition includes some reflections from our Co-CEOs on their first few months in the role.  

Carolyn and Sarah spoke about how much they’ve enjoyed meeting with people with lived and living experience, mental health and wellbeing practitioners, researchers, and policy makers who are working to improve how people access and experience care, treatment and support: 

“It’s been so heartening to see the shared vision and purpose among our many partners and collaborators. We’ve seen first-hand the commitment to system-wide mental health reform, and we’ve had many rich conversations about how we go about delivering on our ambitious agenda.” 

They also described the benefits of the Collaborative Centre’s unique Co-CEO model: 

“Being able to model the collaboration and partnership we want to see across the system has been such a pleasure, and a valuable reminder of how powerful it is to bring complementary skills, multiple perspectives and diverse backgrounds to address complex issues. We’re learning that two heads really are better than one!” 

This edition of our e-News includes updates on: 

  • our new Lived Experiences Advisory Panel (LEAP) members 

  • the appointment of the Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Best Practice Consortium Lead, Carly Johnson 

  • the findings from our recent community survey to inform our Research Strategy 

  • our forthcoming research advisory panel 

  • other opportunities and updates from the Collaborative Centre and our partners. 

To read the full version, click here 

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