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December 2023 Board update

A meeting of the Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing Board was held on 5 December 2023 in Melbourne.

Thursday, 14 December 2023 at 10:55 pm

Board performance

The Chair conducted one on one conversations with Board members about the Collaborative Centre’s development and Board performance. There was a strong sense that the Collaborative Centre is now at an inflection point where it needs to move beyond its establishment phase to programs of research, care, treatment and support delivery, best practice guidance dissemination and workforce development and training.

There was general agreement that the Board has cohered well, with members in designated roles and others interacting constructively, bringing different backgrounds, personalities, aspirations and skill mixes to the table to shape a strong shared vision.

Some issues were identified with the research strategy. The Board:

  • agreed to establish a Research Committee as a subcommittee under the Collaborative Centre’s enabling legislation. 
  • requested a proposal be developed for discussion at a meeting early in 2024. This will include terms of reference, number of committee members and the appointment process

Lived Experiences Advisory Panel appointments 

The Board noted that nine of the ten members accepted their re-appointment. One member was unable to continue due to a changed work role. An EOI process will be conducted to fill the vacancy in 2024.


The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System recommended the Collaborative Centre provide a clearinghouse to collect, combine and share information from research, innovation projects and evaluations. The Board received a report from the Centre for Implementation and Evidence who were engaged to prepare a roadmap for the development of a clearing house. 

The creation of a clearinghouse is a major undertaking that will require significant time and resources. The Board agreed to have a further discussion about the concept and the Collaborative Centre’s role, especially considering the changed landscape since the Royal Commission made its recommendation.

Long term accommodation

Health Infrastructure Division (HID) from the Department of Health briefed the Board on the proposed pathway to determine the long-term accommodation requirements for the Collaborative Centre. Initial steps include:

  • establishing a working group comprising Board members, Mental Health and Wellbeing Division and HID.
  • consultation with the Board and partners/stakeholders on developing accommodation requirements and functional briefs for the permanent site. LEAP will be involved in the consultation process.

Terry Laidler


Maria Katsonis

Deputy Chair

Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing

15 December 2023
