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Our strategic framework

The Housing Registrar strategic framework.

Our vision

A well-regulated, growing and sustainable community housing regulated sector that provides access to safe, secure and affordable housing solutions for Victorians.

Our purpose

To enable the development, growth, and continual improvement of the Victorian community housing regulated sector through proactive, transparent, and risk-based regulation that promotes tenant outcomes.

Our principles

We are: Outcomes focused – risk-based and adaptable – proportionate – intelligence-led and evidence based – collaborative – transparent.

Our priorities

Organisational excellence

To ensure the capabilities of the Registrar to meet current and future challenges by enabling a high-performance culture that values and supports our people.

Better regulation

We will promote better regulation by:

  • proactively engaging with registered agencies to achieve compliance against performance standards
  • reducing the regulatory burden across the regulatory system
  • facilitating investment in the regulated sector by promoting confidence in performance of the community housing regulated sector
  • making the regulatory system and the performance of the community housing regulated sector more transparent
  • identifying opportunities for continuous improvement.

Strong partnerships and engagement

We are committed to:

  • building high-value and purposeful relationships
  • being visible, open and engaged
  • raising awareness of the regulatory system and the Housing Registrar’s role
  • providing compliance advice and better practice guidance to the community housing regulated sector to support registered housing agencies.

Our outcomes

We deliver effective regulation that:

  • promotes the growth and continual improvement of the community housing regulated sector
  • protects government’s investment for the benefit of tenants, the community and future generations
  • delivers safe, secure and affordable housing solutions to Victorians.
