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The 6 key moves

The master plan has been shaped by our understanding of what makes North Richmond special.

Based on feedback from those who live and work in the area, the master plan has been shaped by our understanding of what makes North Richmond special.

We have listened to the North Richmond community and key stakeholders who have told us what matters most to them. This includes things that they like about where they live and opportunities for improvements.

We have developed 6 key moves to help organise the spaces within the housing site. Each key move addresses an issue or opportunity for improvement that people have told us about.

The feedback we received in the earlier phases has helped us to refine the key moves and establish a set of principles that are designed to improve outcomes for residents and the broader North Richmond community by:

  • increasing the number of social and affordable homes helping to accommodate more Victorians
  • delivering new work, shopping, community facilities and learning spaces
  • creating new safer streets, better parks, and places for recreation
  • connecting what we do and how we do it to Country and sustaining People on Country.

1. A housing site that feels separated from its neighbourhood

Neighbourhoods: Transform the site from one housing site to a series of neighbourhoods, with a mix of uses that connect into North Richmond.

2. Existing homes are not meeting the needs of residents

Homes: Build new homes that meet the needs of current and future residents.

3. Inactive and unused public spaces encourage anti-social behaviour

Open spaces: Create a network of safe parks and playgrounds for the enjoyment of the community.

4. Unsafe, indirect connections and poor way-finding

Connections: Improve connections to allow safe pedestrian, cycle and vehicle movement.

5. A diverse community that is not visible

Sustainability and culture: Provide infrastructure that supports opportunity for cultural expression and community connection.

  • Ensure continuous Indigenous involvement
  • Increase biodiversity
  • Celebrate cultural diversity
  • Increase community programming of spaces
  • Future-proof homes and other buildings
  • Create a safe place for everyone
  • Move towards Net Zero and best practice sustainability
  • Introduce productive and healthy landscapes

6. Multiple development projects delivered concurrently

Concentrate activity: Coordinate investment to align change across the precinct over time.
