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The story so far

North Richmond will be a safe, thriving, and connected community with high-quality homes activated by a vibrant community.

We have prepared a draft master plan for the North Richmond housing site. Through community engagement to date, there are well-established priorities to support the transformation of the site.

The Victorian Government is working to make North Richmond a better place to live, work in and visit. The master plan is one of many activities underway to achieve our vision. It will focus on improvements including new housing, uses which respond to local needs and provide opportunities for employment, new safer streets, and better green and shared places.

There are 4 key phases to developing the Master plan. In phase 2, Homes Victoria prepared a framework to provide a high-level spatial vision for the site, which was consulted on in late 2021.

We are now in phase 3. In this phase, the framework has been refined into a detailed draft master plan and we are now coming back to the community for further consultation.

The master plan process

  • Download' The master plan process'
