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The Sector Performance Report provides detailed analysis of the Victorian registered community housing sector’s (the sector) performance.

This includes financial and non-financial data for the financial year ended 30 June 2021.

The information and analysis contained in this report is informed by regulatory reporting submitted by registered community housing agencies (registered agencies) to the Registrar of Housing Agencies (the Registrar) as part of 2020‑21 annual compliance and performance assessments under Part VIII of the Housing Act 1983 (Vic) (the Act).

This reporting from registered agencies includes:

  • self-assessment of performance against performance standards
  • audited financial statements at 30 June 2021
  • declarations of compliance with financial, legal and taxation reporting requirements and that it is not a trustee or subsidiary of a non‑registered entity unless permission has been granted by the Registrar
  • Key Performance Measure (KPM) data
  • achievement of objectives against 2020‑21 business plans
  • the 2021-22 business plan
  • the Financial Performance Report including historical and forecasted financial data.

In addition to the Sector Performance Report, the Registrar publishes the following performance information annually:

  • Performance reports for each registered agency containing KPM results benchmarked against comparable registered agencies. Performance reports are available on the Register of Housing Agencies(opens in a new window) (public register).
  • Compliance outcomes and a summary of performance and compliance decisions for each registered agency on the public register(opens in a new window).
  • Sector dashboard providing information on the community housing sector’s performance across tenancies, evictions and rental arrears. Sector dashboards are available on the Housing Registrar website.
