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Better regulation

This priority recognises our commitment to achieving best practice regulation supported by a culture of continuous improvement.

We embrace feedback opportunities, including annual surveys of our performance, and undertake annual self-assessment exercises, which we publicly report on.

We are dedicated to improving outcomes for tenants and building market confidence in the sector through delivering a range of regulatory activities. In this plan, we have focused on reform that promotes more efficient and targeted compliance activities and encourages best practice behaviours within the sector.

For 2022-24, areas of focus will include:

  • Improving registration processes and producing new guidance materials. This will aim to reduce burden on interstate providers. We will drive a risk-based approach to registrations to ensure that future community housing is high quality, safe, accessible, fit for purpose and focused on the best outcomes for tenants.
  • Releasing guidance that promotes compliance, continuous improvement and encourages best practice behaviour in the sector.
  • Improving compliance activities to make them more targeted and timely. We will achieve this through:
    • focusing and enhancing the quality of our intelligence gathering and analysis
    • increasing our field-based activities, including conducting thorough and timely visits to investigate more complex complaints.
  • Adjusting our regulatory approach to respond to emerging risks, including the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and working closely with the Victorian Government on any coordinated response activities.

In 2022-24, we will focus our resources on tenant outcomes and experience, and leveraging our data and intelligence.

Tenant outcomes and experience

  • Focus our compliance and investigation activities on areas of greatest impact for tenants, delivered through an annual risk assessment and compliance plan.
  • Increase field-based activities to improve our direct understanding of tenant experiences.

Leveraging our data and intelligence

  • Develop a compliance framework to identify and prioritise systemic issues and provide transparency for our regulatory response.
  • Utilise complaints intelligence to inform compliance and investigation activities.
  • Continue to review our risk and intelligence tools.
  • Review and improve our data capture and reporting systems.
