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Sample of all 'home' page content components

This is the introduction text; it sits directly under the page title and gives an overview of what's on the page.

Title of Introduction Banner

Summary of intro banner - a feature created so a page can have a hero image in the banner and then on this feature you can have an intro sentence and top links. This is limited to 200 characters


Find a job in Victorian Government

This page is a general guide on finding a job. For information on how to find, apply for and start a job in the Victorian Government, visit Careers Victoria. 

This page has social sharing turned off so it will display as 3 columns. Ordinarily this MUST not be turned off - so it's only 'home' pages where this is allowed. Above you'll see the Introduction banner and Embedded search form (options: none, events, news).

When an Intro banner is added (via the Header content tab) or there is a Primary campaign displaying, the bottom right image in the banner will not display. Above we've added all 3: an Intro banner, an Embedded search form and a Primary campaign.

Samples of 'portrait' style cards

Here are the following 'portait' style card types:

  1. Promotion card - you can add image and turn off the display of topic and tags. The URL field allows auto or manual entry. If you choose manual (for example, for an external link) you'll need to manually add an image. If you're linking to a page in the CMS and choose an image to display, that image must be in the destination page as a feature image.
  2. Key dates - pretty manual but a bit confusing; 'Key calendar dates' is not editable.
  3. Call to action - has a button for a stronger link than promotion card.

These are more suited for a page with right sidebar content, such as a side menu. You can have an image or no image and choose to display supplementary information (based on the link destination, whether it's a landing page, publication, news or event),

Card carousels

Here are a few card carousels. These should only be used on 3-column pages because they were designed to display 3 cards. The default text in the title field is "Featured Content" and you can edit it.

When creating a card carousel, you can choose from 3 radio buttons: N/A, Events, and News. If you choose news or events it will feed cards of these types, but there's no filtering for topics or tags. Probably need this! In all 3 you can also manually add cards. (You can select N/A and manually add some cards to display case studies like the NDIS services and support page.)

Below here you can see the Topics and Tags attributes set for this page. To not display them you need to untick the 

Below this is a secondary campaign.
