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Focus Area 3 – Ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace

Priority 2: Increase the capability of people managers and leaders to address and respond to disrespectful behaviours and complaints

Action 3.1

Provide and promote gender equity and respectful workplaces professional development across the department by developing a plan to embed gender equality principles and diversity and inclusion in the aspirant principal and leadership programs including Strategic Management for School Leaders.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: The Academy
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘My organisation or school encourages respectful workplace behaviours’.
    • Improvement in ‘Senior leaders actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace’.

Action 3.1 - continued

Provide and promote gender equity and respectful workplaces professional development across the department by:

  1. the development and promotion of Respectful Workplaces Manager Essentials Guide and promotion of the complaints processes.
  2. Promoting gender and diversity-related training and eLearning modules to staff.
  • Timeframe: July 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘My organisation or school encourages respectful workplace behaviours’.
    • Improvement in ‘Senior leaders actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace’.

Action 3.2

Promote gender equality principles in leadership performance planning guidelines.

  • Timeframe: May 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Improvement in ‘Senior leaders actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace’.

Action 3.3

Develop and deliver a communication plan to prevent bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

  • Timeframe: July 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Communications plan developed and implemented.

Action 3.3 – continued

Develop a sexual harassment action plan.

  • Timeframe: April 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Sexual harassment plan developed.

Action 3.3 – continued

Commence consultation to improve inclusiveness and accessibility of employee support services.

  • Timeframe: June 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Consultation completed.

Action 3.3 – continued

Promote resources and mechanisms for reporting and addressing disrespectful and discriminatory behaviours.

  • Timeframe: June 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Improvement in ‘My organisation or school encourages respectful workplace behaviours’ (including across diversity cohorts).

Priority 3: Embed a culture of respect and gender equality for school workforces

Action 3.4

Promote the Respectful Relationships initiative in schools and its role in supporting workplace gender equality.

Provide communications and resources for Senior Education Improvement to support Respectful Relationships implementation.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: School Education Programs and Support; Schools and Regional Services; and Victorian School Building Authority
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘My school takes steps to eliminate bullying, harassment and discrimination
    • Improvement in ‘My school encourages respectful workplace behaviours’ (including across diversity cohorts)
    • Improvement in ‘People in my workgroup actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace’
    • Building equality policy communicated.
