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9 May 2022

The Gender Equality Action Plan (the plan) is the Department of Education and Training’s (the department) strategic plan to promote workplace gender equality as required by the Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic) (the Act).

This implementation plan accompanies the plan and provides specific actions and measures for the first year of the plan to deliver priorities in each of the focus areas.


Acknowledgement of Country

The Department of Education and Training (the department) acknowledges and pays respects to Elders and all Victorian Aboriginal communities. We honour and respect Traditional Owners, past and present, and value the rich culture and history of the First Peoples of this land.


The Gender Equality Action Plan (the plan) is the Department of Education and Training’s (the department) strategic plan to promote workplace gender[1] equality as required by the Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic) (the Act).

It sets out the department’s commitment to ensuring a gender equitable, safe, inclusive and respectful workplace for all staff, and to addressing gendered structural and cultural inequality across all that we do. It also has a focus on intersectional gender inequality[2], particularly the way in which identity characteristics such as age, sexuality and disability can exacerbate gender inequality.

This implementation plan accompanies the plan and provides specific actions and measures for the first year of the plan to deliver priorities in each of the focus areas.

Data and feedback indicate there are many similarities in the areas for action for both the Victorian Public Service (VPS) and Government Teaching Service (GTS) workforces. Consequently, the majority of actions in this implementation plan apply to both.

This implementation plan covers the first year of the plan and intends to establish strong foundations for future years.

The review, analysis and reporting of the progress of this implementation plan will influence the development of the following years’ annual implementation plans.

The complete list of priorities and more detail is included in the Gender Equality Action Plan.   

Year 1, 2022 - Foundation

  • Strengthen governance and accountability
  • Improve data sources and systems
  • Build awareness and engagement
  • Review key policies.

Year 2, 2023 - Developing practice and skills

  • Track and measure progress
  • Upskilling and support our workforces
  • Empower all staff and leaders to understand, share knowledge and drive gender equality in the workplace.

Year 3, 2024 - Embedding

  • Embed gender equality in systems, policies, business planning and practices
  • Address systemic and cultural barriers and resistance
  • Establish gender equality as everyone’s responsibility.

Year 4, 2025 - Monitoring and continuous improvement

  • Monitor implementation and impacts to target interventions
  • Share knowledge and success to drive best practice and innovation
  • Drive continuous improved data and evidence.


[1] The department recognises and embraces all gender identities and expressions. The action plan focuses on gender equality broadly, including the experiences of trans and gender diverse staff.

However, due to the very low numbers of staff who identify their gender as self-described in eduPay (0.2% of VPS staff and 0.1% of GTS staff), the workforce data analysis that contributed to the formation of the action plan focuses on comparisons of women and men.

[2] Section 6(8) of the Act outlines that gender inequality may be compounded by other forms of disadvantage or discrimination that a person may experience based on Aboriginality, age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, and other attributes.

The Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector refers to this concept as intersectional gender inequality.

Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-25

The department’s priorities for the three focus areas will be implemented over the four year period of the plan with ongoing monitoring and review.

Progress on each priority will be reported against relevant gender equality indicators and assessed against specific measures.

Not all priorities will be addressed within the first year implementation plan activities.

Focus Area 1: Promote equality in the composition of our workforce


  • Improve data capture and analysis to monitor, report and drive improvement.
  • Align key policies and practices with business planning processes to promote gender equality and inclusion.
  • Embed inclusive recruitment and career development opportunities for all staff to have the same opportunities to progress.

Focus Area 2: Reduce the gender pay gap


  • Build a strong awareness of the importance and benefits of gender equality and drive the message of responsibility for all.
  • Promote understanding and availability of leave types and flexible working in all roles and Ievels and for all diverse staff.
  • Develop and promote resources to drive change in gendered occupational segregation trends.
  • Develop and implement an effective gender impact assessment and reporting process.

Focus Area 3: Ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace


  • Empower all staff to build an inclusive and respectful workplace culture which has shared responsibility from staff and leaders to prevent and address harassment, bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination.
  • lncrease the capability of people managers and leaders to address and respond to disrespectful behaviours and complaints.
  • Embed a culture of respect and gender equality for school workforces.
  • Promote the range of safe reporting options and the supports available for staff experiencing or witnessing disrespectful or inappropriate behaviours.


Annual Implementation Plan

Specific actions we will deliver on the focus areas including measures and accountabilities.

Progress Reporting

To embed a culture of accountability, the department will track progress, measure the impact and report to:

  • the Culture, People, and Integrity Committee every six months
  • the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector every two years.

Focus Area 1: Promote equality in the composition of our workforce

Priority 1: Improve data capture and analysis to monitor, report and drive improvement

Action 1.1 

Undertake analysis and reporting of workforce composition by gender, diversity and representation regularly.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure:
    • Workforce composition information by gender captured regularly (every 2 years).
    • Results of gender equality questions analysed and inform the action plan implementation.

Action 1.2

Address gaps in the gender equality audit data, including intersectionality by exploring feasibility of enhanced data relating to flexible work, recruitment, career progression and development opportunities in the next audit.

  • Timeframe: September 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; the Academy
  • Measure:
    • Workforce composition information by gender captured regularly (every 2 years).
    • Results of gender equality questions analysed and inform the action plan implementation.

Action 1.3

Plan and develop the school gender equality survey biennially.

  • Timeframe: September 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; Policy, Strategy and Performance; Schools and Regional Services
  • Measure:
    • Workforce composition information by gender captured regularly (every 2 years).
    • Results of gender equality questions analysed and inform the action plan implementation.

Action 1.4

Undertake research to understand barriers to self-identification and make recommendations.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure:
    • Workforce composition information by gender captured regularly (every 2 years).
    • Results of gender equality questions analysed and inform the action plan implementation.

Priority 2: Align key policies and practices with business planning processes to promote gender equality and inclusion

Action 1.5

Review policies related to recruitment, professional development, secondment, and higher duties to ensure equity of access.

  • Timeframe: December 2022 
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services 
  • Measure: All relevant policies reviewed.

Action 1.6

Embed gender equality and diversity actions into strategic and business plans, processes and templates.

  • Timeframe: September 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; Policy, Strategy and Performance
  • Measure:
    • Strategic plan includes gender equity and diversity
    • Group and division business plans include gender equality and diversity activities.

Action 1.6 - continued

Incorporate gender and diversity considerations into school policy template and guidance.

  • Timeframe: June 2022 
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services 
  • Measure: Gender and diversity are included in templates and guidance.

Action 1.7

Formalise the accommodation policy and guidelines with the intent to embed universal design principles in corporate workspaces.

  • Timeframe: May 2022 
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services 
  • Measure: Accommodation policy and guidelines approved and available on the intranet.

Action 1.8

Develop a VPS Workforce Plan to detail the future workforce needs.

  • Timeframe: May 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: VPS workforce plan and resources developed, Groups and Authorities engaged on plan and framework.

Action 1.9

Implement and monitor plans to support gender equality, diversity and inclusion.

  • Timeframe: December 2022 
  • Accountability: Schools and Regional Services; People and Executive Services; Schools and Regional Services 
  • Measure: Implementation of Wirrnalung Ganai, Aboriginal Employment Plan, Disability Employment Plan and People Strategy.

Priority 3: Embed inclusive recruitment and career development opportunities for all staff to have the same opportunities to progress

Action 1.10

Build awareness, understanding and adoption including enhance awareness on inclusive recruitment and development processes and shifting gender norms and stereotypes through embedding inclusive recruitment in Teacher Financial Incentive initiative.

  • Timeframe: June 2022
  • Accountability: Policy, Strategy and Performance
  • Measure: Inclusive recruitment is embedded in initiatives.

Action 1.10 - continued

Build awareness, understanding and adoption including enhance awareness on inclusive recruitment and development processes and shifting gender norms and stereotypes through traineeships created for priority and vulnerable cohorts.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: Policy, Strategy and Performance
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘Gender is not a barrier to success in my organisation or school’ and intersectional questions.
    • Improvement in ‘My organisation or school makes fair recruitment and promotion decisions, based on merit’.

Action 1.10 - continued

Build awareness, understanding and adoption including enhance awareness on inclusive recruitment and development processes and shifting gender norms and stereotypes through investigating gendered and intersectional experience of teachers during professional journey and impact on professional opportunities.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: Policy, Strategy and Performance
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘Gender is not a barrier to success in my organisation or school’ and intersectional questions 
    • Improvement in ‘My organisation or school makes fair recruitment and promotion decisions, based on merit’.

Action 1.11

Review training and resources related to fair recruitment practices, particularly in terms of gender and intersectionality.

  • Timeframe: June 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Training and resources reviewed.

Action 1.12

Develop processes to engage more diverse representation on recruitment panels.

  • Timeframe: July 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘I feel I have an equal chance of promotion in my organisation or school’
    • Processes and resources developed.

Action 1.13

Leadership training in workforce planning to include gender equality principles, diversity and inclusion.

  • Timeframe: June 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Update the workforce planning module in the Strategic Management for School Leaders program.

Focus Area 2: Reduce the gender pay gap

Priority 1: Build a strong awareness of the importance and benefits of gender equality and drive the message of responsibility for all

Action 2.1

Develop and deliver an engagement and communication plan to raise awareness of everyone’s role in driving gender equality and building respectful workplaces.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure:
    • Communications plan developed and implemented
    • Improvement in ‘I feel culturally safe at work’.

Action 2.2

Develop and promote resources, tools and training to enable all staff to discuss gender equality, address gendered segregation of work roles and recognise areas for action across all levels for VPS and GTS settings.

  • Timeframe: July 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; School Education Programs and Support; Financial Policy and Information Services; Higher Education and Skills; Schools and Regional Services
  • Measure: Communications plan developed and implemented in consultation with staff led networks.

Action 2.2 - continued

Develop, provide and promote gender equity and respectful workplaces professional development and resources across the department.

Embed gender equality principles, diversity and inclusion in professional learning plan for beginning teachers pilot program, graduate teachers’ conferences, effective mentoring program.

  • Timeframe: May 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; School Education Programs and Support; Financial Policy and Information Services; Higher Education and Skills; Schools and Regional Services
  • Measure:
    • Gender equity, diversity and family violence training/elearning available.
    • Improvement in ‘Having caring responsibilities is not a barrier to success in my organisation or school’.
    • Improvement in ‘Gender is not a barrier to success in my organisation or school’ and intersectional questions.
    • Improvement in ‘I feel safe to challenge inappropriate behaviour at work’.

Action 2.2 - continued

Provide information to users of staffing services agencies to seek more diversity.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; School Education Programs and Support; Financial Policy and Information Services; Higher Education and Skills; Schools and Regional Services

Action 2.3

Embed co-design and employee voice in the development of resources and actions to strengthen gender equality by establishing and promoting engagement mechanisms for VPS and GTS staff, including working groups and staff-led networks.

  • Timeframe: May 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Representation on working groups.

Action 2.3 - continued

Embed co-design and employee voice in the development of resources and actions to strengthen gender equality by reviewing the school staff survey resources to embed gender equality principles and diversity and inclusion.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: Policy, Strategy and Performance
  • Measure: Review undertaken and links to actions included.

Action 2.4

Embed flexible and hybrid working arrangements for VPS staff.

  • Timeframe: July 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘I am confident that if I requested a flexible work arrangement, it would be given due consideration’.
    • Improvement in ‘Using flexible work arrangements is not a barrier to success in my organisation or school’.
    • Improvement in ‘There is a positive culture within my organisation or school in relation to employees who have family responsibilities’.
    • Improvement in ‘I have the flexibility I need to manage my work and non-work activities and responsibilities’.

Action 2.5

Review and update the flexible work policy for schools.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘I am confident that if I requested a flexible work arrangement, it would be given due consideration’.
    • Improvement in ‘Using flexible work arrangements is not a barrier to success in my organisation or school’.
    • Improvement in ‘There is a positive culture within my organisation or school in relation to employees who have family responsibilities’.
    • Improvement in ‘I have the flexibility I need to manage my work and non-work activities and responsibilities’.

Priority 4: Develop and implement an effective gender impact assessment and reporting processes

Action 2.6

Develop and implement Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) trial.

  • Timeframe: April 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; School Education Programs and Support; Financial Policy and Information Services
  • Measure: GIA trial established and delivered.

Action 2.6 - continued

Develop and implement an effective gender impact assessment and reporting processes (GIAs and gender responsive budget bids).

  • Timeframe: June 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; School Education Programs and Support; Financial Policy and Information Services
  • Measure: Resources and approach including reporting process trialled for department rollout.

Action 2.6 - continued

Assist the department to embed gender responsive budgeting into existing processes.

  • Timeframe: Ongoing
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services; School Education Programs and Support; Financial Policy and Information Services
  • Measure: Relevant budget bids include gender responsive budgeting.

Focus Area 3 – Ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace

Priority 2: Increase the capability of people managers and leaders to address and respond to disrespectful behaviours and complaints

Action 3.1

Provide and promote gender equity and respectful workplaces professional development across the department by developing a plan to embed gender equality principles and diversity and inclusion in the aspirant principal and leadership programs including Strategic Management for School Leaders.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: The Academy
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘My organisation or school encourages respectful workplace behaviours’.
    • Improvement in ‘Senior leaders actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace’.

Action 3.1 - continued

Provide and promote gender equity and respectful workplaces professional development across the department by:

  1. the development and promotion of Respectful Workplaces Manager Essentials Guide and promotion of the complaints processes.
  2. Promoting gender and diversity-related training and eLearning modules to staff.
  • Timeframe: July 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘My organisation or school encourages respectful workplace behaviours’.
    • Improvement in ‘Senior leaders actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace’.

Action 3.2

Promote gender equality principles in leadership performance planning guidelines.

  • Timeframe: May 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Improvement in ‘Senior leaders actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace’.

Action 3.3

Develop and deliver a communication plan to prevent bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

  • Timeframe: July 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Communications plan developed and implemented.

Action 3.3 – continued

Develop a sexual harassment action plan.

  • Timeframe: April 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Sexual harassment plan developed.

Action 3.3 – continued

Commence consultation to improve inclusiveness and accessibility of employee support services.

  • Timeframe: June 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Consultation completed.

Action 3.3 – continued

Promote resources and mechanisms for reporting and addressing disrespectful and discriminatory behaviours.

  • Timeframe: June 2022
  • Accountability: People and Executive Services
  • Measure: Improvement in ‘My organisation or school encourages respectful workplace behaviours’ (including across diversity cohorts).

Priority 3: Embed a culture of respect and gender equality for school workforces

Action 3.4

Promote the Respectful Relationships initiative in schools and its role in supporting workplace gender equality.

Provide communications and resources for Senior Education Improvement to support Respectful Relationships implementation.

  • Timeframe: December 2022
  • Accountability: School Education Programs and Support; Schools and Regional Services; and Victorian School Building Authority
  • Measure:
    • Improvement in ‘My school takes steps to eliminate bullying, harassment and discrimination
    • Improvement in ‘My school encourages respectful workplace behaviours’ (including across diversity cohorts)
    • Improvement in ‘People in my workgroup actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace’
    • Building equality policy communicated.