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Release 1.30.0

Release notes for Release 1.30.0


Date of release: Wednesday 4 November 2020

The major focus for release 1.30.0 is to deliver the following:

  • Add quick exit button to site section(s)
  • Card Collection: The card collection component (mvp) will be released to Solar. This component uses the new promotional card version 2.
  • Bugs


Add quick exit button to site section(s)

Quick Exit button can be added to site sections only, so that end users can quickly exit the website if necessary.

User guide instructions: Quick exit

Lists: allow control of style of list item identifiers in nested lists and combination of list types

An editor can nest list down to 4 or 5 levels and combined numbered and ordered lists on a landing page.

User guide instructions: Format basic text - Bulleted or numbered lists

Improve icons loading performance

Reduce the loading time for all svg icons to improve performance across sites.

Table of content supports H2 and H3 headings that are in languages other than English.

Append site title to title metatag

Site title metatags is appended to all sites. All sites will display in the following format: a pipeline – space – title of site (for example, | RCMPI appended to the end of the page title metatag for RCMPI)

Release 1.30.1


Date of release: Thursday 26 November 2020

The major focus for release 1.30.1 is to deliver the following:

Hero image for publications

Content Editors can now add hero images to publications, delivering a better design experience to support major publication releases.

You can add a hero images to both parent and child pages. The hero images use the same image specifications as a landing page.

At this stage, when you “Print all” only the hero image on the parent page will print.

User guide instructions: Create an online publication - Create the publication landing page

User guide instructions: Add a hero image or introduction banner - Add a feature hero image

Updating the robots.txt for existing sites

This will improve search engine optimisation across all sites.
