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Ann Tonks

Who wants to live in a world without art? Music and movement, poetry and performance make all of our lives richer.

Local Champion

For nearly 20 years, Ms Ann Tonks has lead and contributed to the growing professionalism of arts and media in Australia, supporting artists, musicians, broadcasters, composers, writers, actors, directors and designers and strengthening the future of arts and media locally, nationally and internationally.

Early in her career Ann was a statistician and an academic, teaching industrial relations before turning to cultural management. Her first job in the arts was managing the community radio station 6UVS-FM in Perth, and she later became the inaugural National Station Manager of Radio National at the ABC.

In 1994, Ann became General Manager of the Melbourne Theatre Company (MTC) where she achieved record subscription numbers, and a substantial increase in revenue for the company, and oversaw the building of a new theatre and headquarters. Ann retired from the position in 2012.

Ann has held the position of Senior Fellow at the School of Culture and Communications at the University of Melbourne for the past six years, teaching in the Graduate Arts Management Program and is a leading researcher on improving arts leadership.

Ann has served as a board member for a number of dance, theatre and opera companies and on many industry bodies including the Arts Industry Council of Victoria, Live Performance Australia, the Public Broadcasting Association of Australia and Theatre Network Victoria.

Ann has been a strong mentor throughout her career, providing support and encouragement for women in the performing arts, media and visual arts and has introduced many programs that highlight women's work and creativity.
