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Be a good egg in forests this Easter long weekend

Tuesday, 26 March 2024 at 2:17 am
Three people sit in a forest clearing on chairs around a campfire in a small trench. They are chatting with two men in navy blue Conservation Regulator uniforms.

With thousands of Victorians eggs-pected to spend time outdoors this Easter long weekend and throughout the school holidays, people are being urged to act sensibly to avoid putting nature and other forest visitors at risk.

The Conservation Regulator is reminding all Victorians that they are responsible for protecting the environment and preventing bushfires, following some poor camper behaviour on the Labour Day long weekend where more than 60 illegal campfires were lit during dangerous conditions.

Although colder conditions are predicted this Easter holiday, forest visitors going camping or planning other outdoor activities, such as hiking, prospecting, or four-wheeled driving, must follow the relevant laws and should check weather forecasts and fire warnings before leaving home.

Remember these tips while hatching Easter plans:

  • Campfire? Check conditions, build it safely and fully egg-stinguish with water before leaving.
  • Driving? Use formed, open roads for egg-sploring and have the right licence and registration.
  • Prospecting? Have a permit and stay in the right areas to egg-stract gems lawfully.
  • Rubbish? Take it home – we eggs-pect clean campsites and picnic areas.

This advice also applies to any Victorians using the four-day weekend to stock up on firewood. Designated collection areas in state forests are open until 30 June, but rules apply and firewood collectors should follow safety advice to avoid breaking the law or inadvertently sparking a fire.

This year, we have recorded approximately 200 unattended campfires across forests, parks, and reserves, and issued more than 65 infringement notices for campfire, off-road, and littering offences.

Given Victoria’s recent record-breaking heat and dangerous fire days, bushfire risk remains high and Authorised Officers will be on patrol over the weekend, enforcing campfire safety rules. Officers will also be targeting illegal off-road activity and littering to prevent environmental harm, and anyone caught doing the wrong thing faces fines ranging between $192 and $46,154.

The community is encouraged to report any illegal behaviour on public land to 136 186. Bushfires should be reported to 000.

For more information about rules in state forests, visit:

Our Forest and Wildlife Officers are looking forward to seeing people out enjoying forests this long weekend, but please make sure you know the rules to reduce your impact on the environment while having fun.

The fire risk may not be as obvious this weekend, but our forests and parks are still full of bushfire fuel, like dry leaves, twigs and branches, which can quickly turn a negligent campfire into a destructive bushfire.

Kate GavensChief Conservation Regulator
