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Carol Schwartz

In my career I've been fortunate to experience business, philanthropy, community, the arts, health and medical sciences, technology and innovation.

Change Agent

Carol has one of the most diverse portfolios of board appointments in Australia, spanning business, government, the arts, health and community.

She was the first female President of the Victorian Property Council from 1994 to 1996 and served as National President from 2000 to 2001.

Carol's impact on business and community life is exemplified by her involvement with the development of a new type of social enterprise organisation in Australia. She was the founding Chair and lead investor in the establishment of OurCommunity, Australia's first major, private company established as an organisation to enhance the social good. This highly successful, award-winning enterprise straddles the corporate and not-for-profit areas and provides support for not-for-profit organisations.

Carol also founded the Trawalla Foundation, an investment body that assists social enterprises and provides opportunities that focus on the arts, ideas, innovation and scholarship. She was also closely involved in the formation of the new Australian Women Donors Network, a community of women and men who donate to projects which invest in women and girls.

Currently, Carol is developing high level solutions to advance women in leadership. Her latest initiative is the high-profile campaign Advancing Women; Women and the Order of Australia, in cooperation with OurCommunity.

Carol was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia, AM in 2006 and received the Centenary Medal in 2001 in recognition of her outstanding service as a leading business executive and board participant.
