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Centre for Higher Education Studies

The Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES) is a government funded centre for senior secondary school-aged students, providing them opportunities for greater stretch and challenge in their final years of school.

CHES makes available first year university-level studies and select VCE subjects for students, which students will be able to access onsite or online.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, students in regional, rural and remote areas will have full access to the suite of options available through CHES. Students retain their current enrolment in a government secondary school whilst undertaking a program through CHES.

Established as a centre of excellence and a state-wide provider, CHES will also provide teachers in government schools with access to high-quality professional learning to support them in meeting the needs of their high-ability students.

How does CHES align with other government priorities and initiatives?

CHES is a direct response to the Victorian government's commitment to Excellence and Equity, providing extension, acceleration, and enrichment for high-ability students. It expands upon the Victorian High Ability Program and the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series, both part of the Student Excellence Program.

Additionally, CHES complements the work within the Senior Secondary Pathway Reform, as it provides even greater pathway options to students aligned with their abilities and interests.

For more information, including a summary of programs and application arrangements, please visit the CHES website.

Downloadable resources (for schools’ use - login required)

The following links are available for you to download:

Factsheet for students and families, that you can share with your Year 10 and 11 students and their families and teachers, to support pathway planning and subject selection for the 2023 year

Factsheet on the application process for VCE at CHES in 2023

Factsheet on the application process for Higher Education Studies at CHES in 2023

Factsheet introducing VCE Algorithmics and VCE Extended Investigation at CHES
