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DET - Learn Local Sector - 5 October 2021 - Three professional development opportunities starting soon

Department of Education and Training
Higher Education and Skills

Participation, Inclusion and Regional Engagement — Branch Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Adult education institutions
  • PIRE Branch staff
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult Community and Further Education

Date: 5 October 2021

Subject: 3 professional development opportunities starting soon

Actions/Critical Date

Be quick and take up available professional development opportunities:

There are 3 ACFE Board funded professional development opportunities with some places available. Be quick as they all start soon.

The VDC has places available in phase 2 of moving pre-accredited programs online. Phase 1 was for beginners. Phase 2 is to take those from the beginners’ program and a few others with basic understanding of online learning to the next stage, of completing development of online resources for a chosen pre-accredited program and implementing them with learners with mentor support.

Moving to online learning

Moving online phase 2 starts online on 18 October so be quick if you wish to take up one of the remaining places email The program runs over 12 weeks with a Christmas break in the middle.

Instructional design in LNE at intermediate level

Velg has some places available in Instructional design in LNE at an intermediate level. Those who apply need to already have some skills and resources in instructional design. The intermediate level program commences online on 13 October and runs for 4 weeks. It offers an opportunity to review and update literacy and numeracy learning activities and employability skills activities and to design and develop nonformal assessment tools to monitor learner gain. If you are interested contact

Taking a project-based approach to foundation skills development

Taking a project-based approach to foundation skills development provides an opportunity to learn about and apply an active learner mode of delivery of LNE skills that is most suited to adults. This program run by Victoria University CMM involves five interrelated workshops all to be attended for you to achieve the best result.

Workshop dates:

  • 3 November 2021
  • 2 December 2021
  • 24 March 2022
  • 31 March 2022
  • 7 April 2022.

For a registration form email
