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Diana R. Abruzzi

Diana champions the advancement and economic development of women around the world.

Diana R. Abruzzi

Diana is the Founder and International Chairman of the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI).

During her career, Diana found herself to be the only woman on the State Council for the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She observed that despite 48 per cent of the workforce being women, the Victorian Chamber only had 10 per cent female membership. Diana brought this observation to the board to no avail, so she created Australia's first business women's chamber of commerce herself.

The IWFCI was founded in 1992 to support women business leaders in identifying and accessing lucrative new markets for their products and services. This has been achieved through the delivery of powerful business networks and educational forums and Global Summits.

The IWFCI now has 14 chapters globally and champions the advancement of women and their personal development and economic wellbeing. 
