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Dr Deborah Neesham

Dr Deborah Neesham has made major contributions to the treatment, patient support, research and public education in gynaecological oncology.

Honour Roll

Ovarian cancer is a disease that claims the lives of more than 800 women each year, making it the sixth largest cause of death for Australian women.

Dr Deborah Neesham is one of just four Australian women specialising in the field of gynaecological oncology, which includes ovarian cancer.

In a career of more than 20 years, she has played a leading role in treating women with gynaecological cancers, educating new researchers and doctors, developing patient support services and raising public awareness about gynaecological cancers.

She is a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and a member of numerous international medical associations.

Through the Royal Women's Hospital, she has been closely involved in a large number of clinical trials of drugs that aim to control or reduce cancer.

She has led the development of new surgical techniques, contributed to developing new treatment protocols and has been instrumental in evaluating the potential of alternative radiation treatments as a way of reducing the impact of treatment on sexual functioning.

In addition to these achievements, Deborah is widely recognised for her extraordinary dedication to her patients, many of whom are diagnosed when they are in an advanced stage of the disease.

She has contributed substantially to the awareness and education campaigns run by OvCA – the National Ovarian Cancer Network. In addition, she has also developed specialised clinics that provide reassurance to women whose family backgrounds increase their risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Through Deborah's work as a teacher and trainer, she has helped to inspire new generations of doctors and health workers who continue her commitment to developing better support services and new treatment options for more women affected by cancer.
