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Advise government on the implementation of the Statewide Family Violence Action Plan

Recommendation 197


Who is leading the change

Department of Premier and Cabinet

The Victorian Secretaries Board advise the government on all measures to be taken to develop, implement and coordinate the Statewide Family Violence Action Plan (including any adaptations that should be made to the plan in the future), among them:

  • preparation of a 10-year industry plan for family violence prevention and response
  • areas where joint budget bids should be made in order to give effect to new proposals
  • collection, sharing and use of information to enhance system performance
  • means of ensuring aligned policy development and implementation, as well as avoiding gaps and overlaps in departmental service provision
  • oversight, development and adaptation of regional structures to give effect to the Statewide Family Violence Action Plan
  • development of processes for identifying Commonwealth and state and territory funding expended on matters relevant to family violence—including funding expended on universal services that are relevant to family violence and the cost of grants made for family violence–related projects
  • a strategy for purchasing or modifying data collection systems relevant to family violence—including systems used by Victoria Police, the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, the Children’s Court of Victoria and the Department of Health and Human Services—to ensure there is capability to link information relevant to the safety of victims of family violence and their children
