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Forests are no place for dumped rubbish

Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) and the Conservation Regulator (CR) are urging the community to report information on illegally dumped rubbish in State Forests and National Parks.

Thursday, 14 October 2021 at 11:24 pm
Almost 22 tonnes of illegally dumped rubbish was removed from the Mt Disappointment State Forest and surrounding area last year.

“Last year alone almost 22 tonnes of illegally dumped rubbish was removed from the Mt Disappointment State Forest and surrounding area,” Tom Goldstraw, Acting Murrindindi District Manager, FFMVic said.

“This included household whitegoods, old tyres, and material containing asbestos.

“The total clean-up bill exceeded $13,000, which doesn’t include our staff or equipment costs to undertake the removal and disposal of the rubbish.

“This is money that would otherwise be spent on maintaining and upgrading recreational facilities.

“Our forests and parks are there to be enjoyed by everyone, and dumping rubbish has significant impacts on the environment and people’s health,” Mr Goldstraw said.

Greg Chant, Regional Manager, Conservation Regulator said: “We are urging members of the public to report anything they know about dumped rubbish activities.

“The Conservation Regulator takes environmental vandalism seriously and information from the community may support our efforts to identify offenders.

“If you do see or know of any dumping of rubbish, we are asking that you note the date, time and location of the incident. Take a photograph, if safe to do so, and report it in the first instance by calling 136 186. All information will be treated as confidential.” Mr Chant said.

For general littering on Crown Land fines of up to $3,635 can be issued. If the material is deemed to be hazardous or dangerous, fines of up to $10,904 can be issued.

Conservation Regulator Victoria
