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Hosting underage gigs

To hold events that are open to minors in licensed premises liquor licensees or permittees must submit either a notification or an application form to the Liquor Control Victoria.

To hold events that are open to minors in licensed premises liquor licensees or permittees must submit either a notification or an application form to the Liquor Control Victoria (LCV).

If you have any questions about how to notify or apply to the LCV, or whether your application is eligible for fast-tracking, please contact us.

Mixed-age live music events*

You may have minors on that part of their premises when:

  • a mixed-age live music event is being held in accordance with notice given to the LCV and 'prescribed conditions'
  • liquor is not supplied, consumed or made available on that part of the premises.

To give notice to the LCV, you must:

You can notify the LCV of up to a maximum of 3 events in total on the form. There is no fee.

*an event where sound is manipulated for artistic, cultural or religious purposes and performed to an audience.

Underage or youth events (no live music)**

For underage or youth events that don't involve live music; you must submit an application form to the LCV at least 45 calendar days before the event.

Underage or youth events - Temporary approval of unaccompanied minors on licensed premises
PDF 478.29 KB
(opens in a new window)

You can notify the LCV of up to a maximum of 3 events in total on the form. There is a fee.

If approval is granted, adults cannot be admitted unless they are members of staff or bona fide*** adult supervisors and wear wristbands identifying themselves as being over 18 years of age.

**any event at which minors will be present on licensed premises without being accompanied by a parent, spouse, legal guardian or responsible adult but at which live music will not be conducted.

***a person who is of or over the age of 18 years and who is a “bona fide adult supervisor” or “responsible adult” in relation to:

  • the minor's parent, step-parent, guardian or grandparent, or
  • the minor's spouse, or
  • a person who is acting in place of a parent and who could reasonably be expected to exercise responsible supervision of the minor.

'Fast Track, Low Risk' underage or youth events (no live music)

'Fast Track, Low Risk' events are also events at which minors will be present on licensed premises without being accompanied by a parent, spouse, legal guardian or responsible adult, but with no live music.

The difference between 'Underage or youth events' and 'Fast Track, Low Risk' underage or youth events' is that 'Fast Track, Low Risk' underage or youth events have a lower risk of harm to the community and so they can be approved more quickly.

The LCV can determine these applications more quickly because Victoria Police is not asked to comment on these applications. However, Victoria Police may advise the LCVthat a particular licensed premises, location or event is considered high risk and not eligible for 'Fast Track, Low Risk'.


To find out if an underage or youth event is eligible for fast-tracking, you must be able to answer 'yes' to all questions on the eligibility checklist which is available on the 'Fast track, low risk' underage events application form.

Fast track, low risk underage events Temporary approval of unaccompanied minors on licensed premises
PDF 344.58 KB
(opens in a new window)

The checklist includes the following criteria:

  • LCV approval for running underage events in the last 24 months
  • good compliance history
  • time the event finishes
  • whether alcohol is permitted at the event
  • non-admittance of persons over 18 years of age.

When holding underage or youth events which do not involve live music, you must submit the application form to the LCV at least 20 calendar days before the event.

If approval is granted, adults cannot be admitted unless they are members of staff or bona fide adult supervisors/responsible adults*** and wear wristbands identifying themselves as being over 18 years of age.

You can notify the LCV of up to a maximum of 3 events in total on this form.


Minors on licensed premises - underage or mixed-age events
PDF 296.24 KB
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