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Irene Renzenbrink

Irene Renzenbrink has had a varied and distinguished career, consistently contributing to the development of loss and grief theory.

Honour Roll

A founding member of the National Association for Loss and Grief (Australia), which emerged as a direct result of the Granville Train Disaster in 1977, she was then instrumental in the development of the Victorian State Branch later in the same year.

For the past 24 years, Irene has been a vital force in the conception and development of support services for the community and professional education on issues and matters of loss and grief. In particular, her efforts have realised statewide and national developments related to palliative care and death and dying support services, which also resulted in the foundation of the Centre for Grief Education in Victoria of which she was also a founding member.

She has influenced the development of grief and bereavement programs and services in hospitals, pastoral care environments, community agencies, non-government services, chronic illness support agencies and palliative care services. Her work has transcended state boundaries and also influenced the development of services in other states of Australia.

In addition, she is a member of the prestigious International Working Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement and convenes a number of International Working Group Committees and Task Groups. Irene's recent appointment to the Irish Hospice Foundation to develop palliative care and bereavement support services throughout Ireland acknowledges her skills, expertise and demonstrated track record as a leader and major contributor to grief education and support.
