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Jane Rowe

Working with children at Mirabel confirms for me the hope and potential that can be found in every child.

Honour Roll

In 1998, Jane Rowe founded the Mirabel Foundation for vulnerable children and their carer's, often grandparents, who are affected by parental drug addiction.

As a drug and alcohol counsellor for many years, Jane realised that there was no community support in Victoria for children whose parents had died from a drug overdose. She now dedicates her time to improving the quality of life for these children.

Mirabel provides advocacy, referral, research and support to children orphaned or abandoned by drug addicted parents. In the past 14 years Mirabel has made a difference to over 2000 children, offering a range of services to affected families and reducing the stigma and isolation that families and children often experience.

Jane believes that every child deserves a childhood, and that working closely with these children is the most proactive way of breaking the destructive inter-generational cycle of drug use.

In 1999, she was awarded the Tattersall's Enterprise and Achievement Award.

Jane received the Centenary Medal in 2001, for service to the community through the Mirabel Foundation.
