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Janet Horn

Janet Horn is an example of the many women in Victoria who ensure, through voluntary work, that information services are available to women in need.

Honour Roll

In 1961, Janet Horn moved to Melbourne from New Zealand. After graduating with her first degree in Home Science, Janet undertook an Arts Degree in Education and Philosophy and later a Bachelor Degree in Education. For ten years Janet tutored part-time at Monash University.

Janet has a long history of volunteering. She was a founding member of the Monash Women's Society and was President of the society for a term. As a Monash Women's Society member Janet was a delegate of the National Council of Women and later became the Education Representative.

Like a lot of mothers, Janet volunteered at her children's school and at the local Scouts, as well as tutoring students from non-English speaking backgrounds at Princes Hill High School for several years.

In 1982, Janet joined the planning committee that set up WIRE - the innovative Women's Information Referral and Exchange network. Since then Janet has remained a member of WIRE, as well as volunteering in the office for the last ten years. She is also a volunteer at the Statewide Women's Community Housing Service. Up until 2000, Janet had also volunteered at the Ecumenical Migration Centre for twenty years.
