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Jenny Lloyd

Jenny Lloyd - Victorian Honour Roll of Women 2021 - Leading Through Disaster
Leading Through Disaster

Following the 2019–20 bushfires, the Mallacoota and District Recovery Association was formed as a community voice in disaster recovery. Jenny was the inaugural deputy chair and is the architect of the community led and endorsed disaster Recovery Plan.  

Jenny is active in her community, serving on several local boards and committees. She is an active member of the State Emergency Service.

Prior to moving to Mallacoota, Jenny worked in the state departments of Treasury and Finance and Sustainability and Environment. During this time, she worked in Timor Leste in 2003–04 as part of an AUSAid capability building program.  

Jenny served in the Permanent Naval Forces for 21 years and now in the Naval Reserves. She holds the rank of Commander. Highlights of her Naval career included postings to the guided missile destroyer HMAS HOBART and as the first female head of a supply department on the tanker HMAS WESTRALIA. 

She received a Flag Officers Commendation for exceptional service and outstanding devotion to duty for her work in strategic planning while serving in the Naval Support Command.
