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Karen Batt

Karen Batt has been the Secretary of the Victorian Branch of the Community and Public Sector Union CPSU/Public Sector Federation Union since 1993.

Honour Roll

She is the first elected Secretary of the Union and the first woman Secretary of the Union in its 115 year history! Within her time of leadership, the union's achievements include the first whole of Public Sector Public Service Award, and a groundbreaking determination which allowed the termination of 10,000 'compulsory' Australian Workplace Agreements.

Karen holds a Master of Arts degree, and a Graduate Diploma in Industrial and Commercial Law. Karen was the Senior Vice President of the National CPSU from 1995-98 and an ACTU Executive Member from 1996-2000.

Karen has been an effective leader and advocate for equity for women in the broader labour movement, and continued to set new pathways for women when she became the second woman President of the Victorian Trades Hall Council from 1995-98.
