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Leonie Morgan AM

Leonie Morgan introduced the concept of EMILY'S List to Australia, and negotiated its successful establishment and growth.

Honour Roll

Leonie Morgan, BEd, MEd, GradDip Women's Studies, has extensive experience in policy and program development, evaluation and implementation, and people and project management. Her particular expertise and commitment is in the area of diversity and equity across the private, public and community sectors.

Leonie is currently auditing the Victorian Department of Education, Employment and Training of policies and programs to promote diversity and inclusiveness. Other current projects include the development of a Women's Participation Information Kit to provide advice to new women local government councillors. This project is being done for the Municipal Association of Victoria and the Victorian Local Governance Association and will be a companion volume to A Gender Agenda, an information kit Leonie developed in 1998-99 to encourage women to stand for local government election.

Leonie also works part-time for the Australian Film Commission managing the Women in Television Project. This Project, funded in partnership with the Nine Network, Seven Network, Network Ten, ABC and SBS, aims to advance the careers of women across Australian television.

Leonie's career has spanned many program areas. These include education, employment, training, equal opportunity, workers compensation and human services. She has worked as a teacher, equal opportunity officer, researcher for a community organisation, public sector project manager and as a senior manager in the Public Service.

Leonie's community action is currently focused on ensuring more women are represented in political decision making with a focus on local, state and federal parliaments. She does this through her continuing representation on the Victorian Women's Coalition, EMILY's List Australia, co-convenor Victorian EMILY's List Advisory Group, Victorian ALP Women's Policy Committee President and the Victorian Local Government Women's Participation Project.

As an active member of the National Committee of EMILY's List Australia she has, to date, devoted seven years to guaranteeing the successful establishment and perpetuation of EMILY's List in Australia. There seems no doubt that EMILY's List Australia may not have been established so quickly, if at all, without the extensive research, advocacy and pioneering work undertaken by Leonie during the early 1990s.

Leonie is on the Honour Roll for her energy, commitment and ongoing advocacy for women to be equally represented in political decision making across Australia.
