Positive Start - What is a school camp?

This video takes the viewer through a typical school camp. It shows the arrival, the accommodation, the food, the range of activities and experiences and other aspects of camp that anyone can expect when they participate in one. The understanding the viewer gets is that camps are extremely  fun, fulfilling, social, and very safe.

[On screen text]

What is a school camp?

We open with a deep blue screen showing a question in capitals ‘WHAT IS A SCHOOL CAMP?’ The large letters are transparent, filling the screen and through them we can see some color and movement. The statement grows larger and zooms towards us, off screen. This reveals an overhead wide shot of a group of kids walking beside a tour bus. The camera pans upwards opening the scene and showing a large, inviting grassy area with a sandy volleyball court on the left and archery and high ropes facilities in the far background.

[On screen text]

It’s a new place to explore…

As we start to tell the story of a school camp, the camera continues to pan upwards and we see the grassy activity area is surrounded by high, dense eucalyptus forest on all sides.

We cross fade from the overhead shot to the ground level of the same group, as a young girl in a pink t-shirt and floral wide brimmed hat, jumps into screen from the left and smiles happily before continuing on her way, following the kids behind her.

We cross fade to a backward tracking shot revealing a range of blue, red and black baggage and sleeping bags out the front of what must be an accommodation facility.

We cross fade to an interior shot showing a group of excited girls rushing towards us and into their dormitory. Our story continues to unfold with the an onscreen message.

[On screen text]

And a massive sleepover!

We cross fade to show the same girls jumping onto their bunk beds where they will sleep (and stay up and whisper excitedly to each other first) for their camp stay. The camera moves towards the window and outside, fading from white to a full black screen with central white writing.

[On screen text]

But that’s just the start!

We fade from black to a fast forward moving overhead shot showing some kids walking along a path towards a looming dam wall. The camera flies ahead as a new message appears.

[On screen text]

It’s being outside…

We cross fade to reveal the wide expanse of the dam and the thick forest surrounding it, emphasizing the outdoors.

We cut to a wide shot, panning upwards over a lake in a lush temperate rainforest setting. On the far side of the lake we can see a group of kids in bright blue life jackets and yellow helmets, in front of some beached red, blue and green two person canoes. The kids are practising their oar movements. The shot begins to fade as the story continues to be told onscreen with the next point.

[On screen text]

Working together…

We cross fade to the bank of the lake to show a close shot of all the kids in canoes from behind as they link their canoes together in a type of flotilla formation.

As the text fades off screen we cut to a very close shot at ground level of two young girls in blue safety helmets building a crate tower. They turn, smile at camera and one of them waves at us.

We cut to a fast shot quickly tracking from left to right showing the skill of a young boy who bounds across separated wooden stumps of different heights like he’s merely running through the park on flat ground. A new message is shown on screen.

[On screen text]

Building confidence…

The message remains on screen for the next shot. In this we see a side view of a young girl from below on left of screen. From our point below her we can see she’s wearing a helmet and attached to a safety harness on the high ropes course. She’s holding onto a horizontal wire with both hands, at shoulder height. In the style of a tightrope walker, she steps slowly and deliberately on the wire below, carefully navigating herself forward to the right of screen.

We cut to a medium aerial shot moving towards the same girl taken from her eye level up in the ropes. She has clearly moved across the wire and is now about to reach a small staging platform.

We cut to a very close shot at ground level to see the girl being helped into the next challenge by a teacher who clips her into the safety harness with a strong carabiner. 

[On screen text]

And staying safe!

We cross fade to show a close shot of large silver metal bowls of fresh chopped salad ingredients such as tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, grated carrot, chicken pieces and cheese.

[On screen text]

It’s eating healthy…

We see the hands of staff using tongs to pile all this delicious food into wraps held by the kids on plates then cut to a close outdoor shot of a young girl in a floppy wide brimmed hat who shows us a large burger bun full of tasty fresh ingredients that she’s just taken a huge bite out of as other kids around her do the same.

The text remains on screen as we now cut indoors to see two other girls looking at camera and holding their big burger buns chock full of deliciousness. They smile and give the thumbs up for taste.

We cut to a full black screen with white text.

[On screen text]

And learning new things!

The next shot zooms quickly from inside a building towards two glass automatic sliding doors with a huge transparent decal of a woman’s face painted lime green with shiny red lips, pink eye paint with white polka dots and orange framing her hair. As the camera nears the door, the image breaks in two through the centre of the woman’s face and the doors slide open to the outside.

A cross fade takes us into a room where a young girl is pointing at a range of jars containing the preserved bodies of snakes and lizards and other curious creatures.  Another cross fade in the same room shows a group of four girls looking towards camera and pointing into an aquarium at a swimming turtle. We fade from this scene to a new outdoor scene of a group of kids on a bush trail walking closely past the camera/. Two of them hold some interesting leaves up to the camera for us to see as we fade to a new aerial shot of the same bushwalking group from above and behind, showing the bush on either side of the straight trail and the group walking ahead into the distance.

We cross fade to a time lapse aerial shot pulling backwards, showing a group of kids playing games in an octagon shaped sandpit as a new message appears on screen.

[On screen text]

It’s one huge adventure…

Text remains on screen briefly, as we cut to a wide shot outside, showing an oversized, strange and wonderful looking brass sculpture of a female figure bathing in the middle of a pink pool surrounded by the greenery of lush trees and grass.

We cut to a shot at ground level moving forwards between two groups of kids as they wave their hands close in front of camera and shoot their arms out for high fives.

[On screen text]

With lots of new friends!

A quick close shot now shows the same young girl who jumped in front of camera at the start of the video, smiling and making a heart sign with her hands.

The final shot is almost entirely black and shows a blurry sillhouetted group of kids  leaving the darkness of a building towards large glass doors and the brightness of the outside.

[On screen text]

Get details and book now vic.gov.au/positivestart

(The word ‘start’ is shown in multiple revolving colors)

The next screen is black with two white Victorian government logos.

[On screen logo text]

The Education State

[On screen logo text]

Victoria State Government

[On screen text]

Education and Training

The final screen is black with one white Victorian government logo.

[On screen logo text]

Victoria State Government

[On screen text]

Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

[End of transcript]
