Teacher Diary - Tegan Compson

Tegan Compson: Hi, my name’'s Tegan. I'm the prep one teacher at Arthurs Creek Primary School.

The way that I've set up my classroom is a place that is just full of colour. It's vibrant, it's colourful, it's welcoming. It's a really nice and happy place to be each day.

My favourite part about teaching would be the relationships that I develop with my students.

Student one: Tegan's the best teacher ever.

Student two: Cause she's the best teacher ever.

Student three: My teachers help me learn maths.

Tegan: By the end of the two years I'm often pretty sad to see them go. It's hard to let them go and have new student's coming in. So those relationships are amazing.

Some of my favourite memories would just be the laughs that we have, the inside jokes that we have. We're often in fits of laughter. The growth that they make over the year or however many years you have them for is so rewarding to know you've made that impact on that student's learning. Not only with their academic learning but also their personal growth that they make in the time that they're in the classroom with you.

I'm originally from Western Australia and I decided to move over to Victoria just for a bit of a change, but it's also a place that is known for its education. I thought it would be an awesome place to start out my teaching career.

When I was studying sports science, one of the units that we studied was working with students with disabilities. It was really really rewarding, and from there I knew that teaching was something that I wanted to pursue.

If you're thinking about studying teaching, I would encourage you to absolutely go for it. I would also encourage you to get into your local school if you can, volunteer, that way you can see whether it's something you're interested in pursuing or not.

[On-screen text: Teach the Future. 

vic.gov.au/teachthe future]

[On-screen:  Victorian state government logo]

[On-screen: Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne]

[End transcript]
