
[Jennifer Zimbachs]
Why 150 years of education is important? Well, I guess it's a milestone, isn't it?

[Peter Ruff]
150 years. It's come a long way.

[Geoffrey Pell]
It's something that I think is incredibly important.

[Judith Meikle]
Because in order to get ahead anywhere in life, you need to have knowledge. And knowledge is power. And that is very, very important, I would think, for anyone.

[Jennifer Zimbachs]
We've educated our leaders. We've educated our friends, colleagues. We've educated, you know, the population of Victoria or beyond into the world.

[Leonie Fitzgerald]
Secular, universal, free. It's an even playing field. It gives everybody the chance because not everybody are born with wealthy parents. Not everybody's got, you know, people of influence that can smooth their path into a wonderful career, a comfortable life.

[Peter Ruff]
When I think of when I first started teaching what was available and how you did it and what's available now, it's changed a lot.

[Peter Greenwell]
Millions of people have better lives because of our work. We have a prosperous society and we have a very tolerant society. How lucky are we that we are contributing to something as valuable as that?

[Jennifer Zimbachs]
And I think in today's world, the opportunities of looking forward for the children that we teach today are absolutely extraordinary.

[Leonie Fitzgerald]
So I think state education, we take all comers and we give everybody a chance to be the very best they can. So 150 years, let's roll on another 150 years.
