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To help our children dream even bigger, Three-Year-Old Kinder continues to roll-out across the state.

[Teacher and child outdoors at an early childhood centre, watering a vegetable garden with a watering can. The child is seen imagining themself, as seen in a thought bubble, working as a farmer]

And free kindergarten programs will be available for all Victorian three and four-year-old children at participating services, starting from 2023.

[Teacher and child indoors at an early childhood centre, cutting up a toy rubber carrot with a wooden knife. The child is seen imagining themself, as seen in a thought bubble, working as a chef in a kitchen]

The Victorian Government will also deliver 50 childcare centres across Victoria to help more families access education and care, with the first centres to open in 2025.

[Teacher and child indoors at an early childhood centre, pouring coloured die into jars of water. The child is seen imagining themself, as seen in a thought bubble, working as a scientist]

And, over the next decade, Four-Year-Old Kinder will transition to ‘Pre-Prep’ – a universal 30-hour a week program of play-based learning. Pre-Prep will develop kids’ social, emotional, and cognitive skills to help set them up for life

[Teacher and child outdoors at an early childhood centre, playing in the sandpit. The child fills a toy truck up with sand then tips it back out. The child is seen imagining themself, as seen in a thought bubble, working as a builder]

[Teacher and child indoors at an early childhood centre. The child wraps a bandage around the leg of their stuffed animal toy. The child is seen imagining themself, as seen in a thought bubble, working as a nurse]

And will be delivered through both standalone kindergarten services and long day care centres.

[All children seen indoors at an early childhood centre doing play-based learning activities]
