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Morag Loh

Morag Loh's work as a writer, oral historian, photography curator, teacher and advocate has given immigrants, particularly women and girls, a voice.

Honour Roll

Morag was one of the first writers to portray the diversity of Australia's people and the variety of their life experience. Many of her books and stories are now reference works at every level of education and have inspired radio programs, cassettes and even a documentary film, Chinese Diggers.

She is perhaps best known for her picture books The Kinder Hat and Tucking Mummy In, which regularly appear on ABC's Playschool and are widely read in kindergartens and primary schools. Illustrated by Donna Rawlins, the stories feature confident little girls who take the initiative and show responsibility within loving families.

At the request of teachers lamenting the lack of female role models in school history texts, Morag wrote The Changemakers, which highlighted the challenges and achievements of 10 Australian women, spanning 200 years in history.

In the 1960s and ‘70s, Morag campaigned for permanent employment, equal pay and opportunities for career advancement for female teachers in Victoria. Much of this work was on a voluntary basis.

Her work as curator of photography – including a travelling photographic exhibition called Nothing on a Plate: Celebrating Women's Journey Towards Equity in Victoria 1901-2001 – has inspired seminars, lectures, discussions and articles about gender equity and recognition of the contribution made by Australian women and girls.

Through her impressive list of books, stories, scripts and exhibitions, she represents women and girls from diverse backgrounds as interesting, resilient and valuable members of society. Morag has made a lasting contribution to the understanding and advancement of women.
