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Professor Paul Komesaroff AM

Physician, medical researcher and philosopher.

Professor Paul Komesaroff AM

Honours and awards

2014 VIC Australian of the Year Finalist

Member of the Order of Australia for significant service to ethics in medicine as a physician, researcher and philosopher.


Paul Komesaroff AM is a physician, medical researcher and philosopher at Monash University in Melbourne, where he is a professor of medicine. He is also executive director of the international NGO, Global Reconciliation and president-elect of adult medicine in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Paul is engaged in various research and action projects in reconciliation and ethics, which cover clinical practice and global health, and span a range of topics, including the impact of new technologies on health and society, the experience of illness, and end of life issues, complementary medicines, obesity, psychological effects of trauma, and cross-cultural teaching and learning.

Paul’s international work covers reconciliation and healing after conflict and social crisis, the nature and impact of foreign aid, and capacity-building in global health. Global Reconciliation conducts reconciliation work in the Middle East, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India and other countries in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.

Paul is the author of more than 400 articles in science, ethics and philosophy and author or editor of 14 books.
