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The ideal 4-day walk, 1-day cycle

A base case was designed to test market appeal for a 4-5 day experience involving 3-4 days walking, walking 12.5km or for 5 hours per day, suitable for those with above average levels of fitness, and a day cycling or four-wheel driving. The concept providing basic huts, shared amenities, no hut hosting, and pack transfer from hut-to-hut being the only value-add provided.

The modelling shows that the appeal of the walk can be considerably improved above this base case offer for the primary busy nature seekers target segment by including the following features, in priority order according to the role the attribute plays in choice of whether to do the walk or not:

  1. distance walked – 15km daily walk or six hours walking (+12.3% to appeal over base case)
  2. walking effort - Requiring a basic level of fitness (adds +15.1% to appeal)
  3. length of experience – 3 days of walking and 1 day of cycling or mountain biking, or a 4WD experience (adds +11.7% to appeal). 4 days of walking and 1 day cycling is marginally less preferred
  4. walk exclusivity – walk has day walkers present but only on the first and last day of the trail (+3.1%)
  5. value adds – Fresh coffee and snacks at huts (+9.1%) and food hampers provided at huts made from local food, fruit and drinks (+8.5%)
  6. aboriginal cultural experiences – fully immersive session with local Aboriginal people who explain culture, bush medicine and allow them to sample bush tucker (+4.5%).
  7. communal facilities at huts – availability of cooking, showering facilities and heated communal areas, library and wine and craft beer cellar (+9.8%)
  8. interpretation - In situ and signage and booklet and guide lectures (+4.3%)
  9. hut hosted - Guides reside at each hut, often accompanying walkers on part of the walk and providing commentary on points of interest (+7.2%)
  10. cost - $200 per person per night is an acceptable cost for the walk plus charges for value add services
  11. accommodation – a relatively basic hut is acceptable if the facilities and value adds are provided. It is more important to blend into nature as long as the creature comforts are provided. By providing a luxury wilderness cottage only 2.5% is added to consideration for the busy nature seekers.
