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Share client information in early childhood education

Professionals provide better services when they can communicate with the whole team working with that client.

Professionals provide better services when they can communicate with the whole team working with that client. Find out what services are available to help you.

On this page

Connect with other professionals through Patchwork

Patchwork is a simple website that helps to connect professionals from different agencies who have common clients. It can help you interact with vulnerable families through improved collaboration with other professionals also providing them care.

Sharing of information with other professionals will help support the early identification of your client's specific needs.

Patchwork is a complementary tool to support practice and does not replace the more detailed client record.

Access the service on line

Registered users can log on at Patchwork.

New users can find out how to register at What is Patchwork.

What you can do with patchwork

Patchwork allows you to:

  • add and maintain contact details for yourself, your clients and other professionals
  • see at a glance which agencies are working with your clients and how to contact them
  • invite others into a team working with your client
  • raise an issue about your client so that everyone involved in their care is notified
  • email other professionals that are supporting your client from Patchwork
  • look up contact details for other agencies and professionals.

Client priv acy

We, the Department, support the use of Patchwork by early childhood professionals working in our funded services. We have conducted a privacy review to ensure that Patchwork complies with Victorian Privacy Legislation and continue to work with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) to ensure that Patchwork complies with relevant legislation and policy.

Get advice

Administration and management of Patchwork is undertaken by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV). We do not provide support for this service.
