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Supporting Oral Language Development (SOLD) Program

SOLD empowers early childhood educators to boost oral language skills in young children through online learning & collaboration with Deakin University academics.

Program details

  • Priority area: Communication
  • Primary audience: Educators
  • Delivery mode: Group training, online
  • Strength of evidence: Level 6 Supported by expert opinion
  • AEDC sub-domains:
    • Communication skills and general knowledge
    • Language and cognitive development basic literacy
    • Language and cognitive development interest in literacy/numeracy and memory
  • Item cost: Moderate ($200$2,000 per person/item)

Program description

The Supporting Oral Language Development (SOLD) program is a series of 4 professional learning sessions that acknowledge the important role of educators in fostering young children's oral language. The program gives educators and opportunity to work in partnership with Deakin University academics. In 2022, there are 2 options for SOLD program delivery: online, and a self-paced online learning module.

The SOLD program aims to:

  • build early childhood educators' understanding of oral language
  • use research and collegial advice about how children learn oral language
  • focus on diversity and promote practices particular to building children's oral language
  • identify aspects of early childhood educators' talk that are conducive to developing young children's oral language
  • reflect on, and critique, practices that specifically aim to support children's oral language
  • build a shared repertoire of effective research-based practice that will support children's oral language, learning and development
  • use evidence, including mapping against early childhood frameworks, to assess and inform practice.

Participation in this module involves:

  • deepening knowledge and understanding of oral language and communication in young children
  • opportunities to reflect on aspects of your practice relating to young children's oral learning
  • observing and analysing young children's language and communication
  • linking children's oral language-learning to early childhood frameworks
  • being introduced to a model to support further research on your practice.

Registrations are now open for 2024 self-paced program

2024 SOLD program will be available on Monday 4 March 2024 and will close on Monday 5 August 2024 at 5 pm.

To register for the program, please email as soon as possible. 

Detailed cost

$1,300 per person (including GST).

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: early childhood educators. 
  • Program/practice descriptions and details: the program is designed to support educators in building their skills and practice to support children's oral language development.
  • Training requirements: educators will participate in 12 learning modules, one webinar and interactives. Participants will also have access to ongoing support via email. Participants will be expected to incorporate new knowledge into their practice between professional learning sessions and bring experiences of this to subsequent sessions. Each educators will complete a post program survey.
  • Factors to consider: services should consider the potential cost of backfill. It is recommended that services plan for an additional 6 hours of backfill for educators to complete SOLD-related tasks throughout the program.

VEYLDF alignment

Item uses these practice principles

  • Reflective practice
  • Partnerships with professionals
  • High expectations for every child
  • Respectful relationships and responsive engagement
  • Equity and diversity
  • Assessment for learning and development
  • Integrated teaching and learning approaches

Item responds to these sub-outcomes

  • Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes
  • Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
  • Children engage with a range of texts and get meaning from these texts
  • Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
