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Alannah & Madeline Foundation Early Years Trauma Consultancy Service (Early Years TraCS)

The Early Years TraCS program supports educators working with children aged 3 to 5 who have been affected by trauma.

Program details

  • Priority area: Wellbeing (social and emotional)
  • Primary audience: Educators, parents/carers, children
  • Delivery mode: Group training, online, consultancy, coaching, professional services
  • Strength of evidence: Level 5 - Foundational research evidence
  • AEDC sub-domains:
    • Emotional maturity – anxious and fearful behaviour
    • Emotional maturity – aggressive behaviour
    • Emotional maturity – hyperactivity and inattentive behaviour
    • Social competence – responsibility and respect
  • Item cost: High (>$2,000 per person/item)

Program description

The Early Years TraCS program supports educators working with children aged 3 to 5 who have been affected by trauma. The TraCS program promotes the development of social and emotional competencies in readiness for school by:

  • helping educators understand challenging behaviours through a 'trauma lens'
  • building the capability of educators to respond to challenging behaviours
  • using a 'trauma lens' to foster educator wellbeing to create sustainability in the workforce
  • empowering educators to foster trauma-sensitive learning environments
  • supporting educators to be engaged and connected.

Trauma comes in many forms, such as physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect, family violence, community violence, family breakdown, grief and loss, and exposure to mental illness and substance abuse.

Children who have experienced trauma can require significant support to get them 'school ready'.

The TraCS program aims to prepare vulnerable children for school through a multidimensional practice framework that draws upon the interconnected theories of trauma, attachment, and child development and recognises that an individual and their behaviour is best understood in the context of their experiences, relationships and environment.

TraCS consultants provide collaborative and context-specific support, working hand-in-hand with educators to understand their unique service needs and delivering effective and targeted strategies to manage and address the impacts of trauma on children engaging with their service.

Packages and service offerings include:

TraCS consulting package

Starting from 25 contact hours of consultation including:

  • meeting with educators and service leadership to understand the context and learning philosophy of the kindergarten service
  • in-room and in-service observations and assessment
  • training and reflective practice
  • in-service coaching for educators
  • out-of-session support and phone consultations.

Seven additional planning hours to enable our consultant to develop and tailor a program based on a needs assessment.

Co-location package

  • A dedicated TraCS consultant/s co-located at your service
  • Intensive and responsive support for your educators and service 
  • Initial needs assessment and tailored training
  • In-room coaching and feedback
  • Ongoing tailored training and reflective practice
  • Collaborative and relational support 
  • Tailored approach based on a deep understanding of your service, educators, children and families

Detailed cost

  • Consulting package: starting from $7,750 (excluding GST) based on location.
  • Co-location package: contact provider for individualised quote.

All package options can be further customised and tailored to your service's individual need and budget. Additional hours are charged at $310 per hour (inclusive of travel).

Implementation considerations

Target population: early years staff working with children aged 3 to 5.

Program adaptability: TraCS has been designed to be customised to the needs of each kindergarten service within a framework of relational support.

There is capacity within each package for elements to be delivered virtually via MS Teams or Zoom (to help reduce the cost of travel to your service). Access to devices to participate virtually will be required.

Staffing: it may be beneficial for educators to be released occasionally from their contact duties to consult with a TraCS practitioner. Services should therefore consider the cost of backfill when determining the cost of accessing this resource.

VEYLDF alignment

Item uses these practice principles

  • Reflective practice
  • Partnerships with families
  • High expectations for every child
  • Respectful relationships and responsive engagement
  • Equity and diversity
  • Assessment for learning and development
  • Partnerships with professionals

Item responds to these sub-outcomes

  • Children become strong in their social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing
  • Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing
