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Better Futures

Better Futures and Home Stretch gives young people information, advice and support for the decisions they make about their future after leaving care.

Better Futures can support you in leaving care by providing:

  • coaching
  • funding
  • community connections.

You'll have a say in decisions about your future.

And you'll get support to reach your housing, study, work, cultural, health and wellbeing goals.


You are eligible for Better Futures if you are:

  • in kinship, foster, residential or permanent care on or after your 16th birthday

And have one of the following:

  • care by Secretary order
  • long-term care order
  • family reunification order
  • permanent care order.


Kinship, foster or residential care

Your case manager will refer you to Better Futures when you are 15 years and 9 months.

Permanent care

If you are on a permanent care order, Permanent Care and Adoptive Families will refer you to Better Futures.

If you are an Aboriginal person on a permanent care order, the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency will refer you to a Better Futures Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation.


Once you're in the program, you'll get a development coach. Your development coach will give you support, information and advice based on your needs and interests. 

As your goals and needs change, so will the level of support from the development coach. 

Your development coach can help you with things like:

  • finding a new place to live or staying where you currently live
  • finding a job
  • managing your health and wellbeing
  • budgeting and other life skills
  • staying in school or going to TAFE or uni
  • getting your driver’s licence.

Financial assistance

Flexible funding

Your development coach can also help you get financial assistance, known as flexible funding.

You can get funding if you live alone or with a carer. It can help pay for things like:

  • study costs including textbooks for TAFE or uni
  • annual MYKI tickets
  • clothes for job interviews and work uniforms
  • mental health support
  • entertainment and social activities 
  • gym membership or sports equipment.

Transition to Independent Living Allowance

You may also be eligible for the Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA).

TILA can help you with moving costs, bond payments and other costs of living. You can get TILA up to the age of 25.

You can get both TILA and Better Futures flexible funding.

Your case manager or Better Futures development coach can help you apply for TILA. 

Melbourne City Mission administers the TILA program in Victoria. 

For more information about eligibility, visit the Department of Social Services.

Community connections

You can get community connections support through the Better Futures program. Community connectors can help you:

  • find a mentor
  • get work experience and find job and study opportunities
  • meet new people and build healthy relationships
  • get involved with community groups and social activities
  • start a new hobby
  • connect with your culture
  • join a sports team.

Community connectors do not provide casework support. They work with your development coach to connect you to services and activities in your community.

Your development coach can refer you to a community connector in your area.

Home Stretch

You can get Home Stretch through the Better Futures program. 

Home Stretch is an accommodation allowance. You can use the allowance for housing costs and other things that support your goals.

The allowance can help you stay with your carer or support you to live independently.

If you live independently, your Better Futures provider will manage the allowance. They will work with you to support your living arrangements.

Your case manager or Better Futures development coach can refer you to Home Stretch.


You are eligible for Home Stretch if you are:

  • in kinship, foster or residential care on or after your 16th birthday

And have one of the following:

  • care by Secretary order
  • long-term care order
  • family reunification order.

You can get Home Stretch support from 16 to 21 years of age.

If you are on a permanent care order and living with your carer immediately before your 18th birthday, you are eligible for Home Stretch support. You can get Home Stretch support from 18 to 21 years of age.


Your case manager or Better Futures coach can refer you to Home Stretch. 

If you are on a permanent care order, Permanent Care and Adoptive Families (PCA Families) will automatically refer you to a Better Futures provider. 

If you are an Aboriginal young person on a permanent care order, the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) will automatically refer you to a Better Futures Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO). 


Better Futures Our Way: supporting Aboriginal young people.

You can find animations and factsheets about Better Futures Our Way on the Victorian Aboriginal Children and Young People's Alliance's website.

These resources help guide Aboriginal young people leaving care and their carers to understand and use Better Futures Our Way.

CREATE Foundation

CREATE Foundation supports young people who are currently in or have experienced care.

They have factsheets and animations about Better Futures and Home Stretch. Visit CREATE's Better Futures page.


SORTLI (sort out your life) is a free mobile app that has step-by-step guides to help you move to independence.

Download SORTLI from iTunes (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android).

Leaving Care Hotline

Ph: 1300 532 846


Hours: 9 am to 8 pm on weekdays and 10 am to 6 pm on weekends and public holidays. 
