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Christine Nixon APM

Former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police.

Christine Nixon APM

Honours and awards

2010 VIC Australian of the Year Finalist


As chief commissioner of Victoria Police, Christine Nixon APM was accountable for 14,000 staff, more than 500 stations and an annual budget of $1.7 billion. Her legacy in the position was a decrease in Victoria’s crime rate, a proactive response against corruption among senior police officials and a cultural overhaul of the organisation that saw the attrition rate decline from 7% per annum to less than 3%.

Following the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires, Christine oversaw the largest recovery and rebuilding operation Victoria had ever undertaken. Under her leadership, the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority worked with communities, businesses, charities, local councils and other governmental departments to help people and communities recover and rebuild.

Christine continues her contribution to the community, sharing her experiences and knowledge accumulated through a decades-long career. She is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Police Management, the Australian Institute of Management and the Institute of Public Administration Australia. Christine is a member of Monash University Council and chair of Good Shepherd Microfinance and Monash College.
