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Crafting a strong application: what works and what doesn't

What to consider and how to apply – WiT Leadership Development Scholarship Program

Application process

Applications open on Monday 4 March 2024 for six weeks and close at 11:59pm on Monday 15 April 2024.

  • The portal for applications will open on the Monday 4 March via the DTP Website.
  • Please note, you may need to register for SharePoint access to complete and submit your online application (instructions will be provided on the website as soon as applications open). 
  • Please ensure you have accessed the application form well before the application close date. 
  • Please do not leave your SharePoint registration until the closing date.


You can begin preparing your application now! Some points you may like to consider as part of drafting your application are included below.

  • Research what course or study you’d like to undertake and consider how this will align with your career goals, organisation/industry needs and contribute to your leadership journey
  • Read the Program guide. 
WiT Leadership Development Scholarship Guidelines 2024
PDF 636.73 KB
(opens in a new window)
  • Start a conversation with your manager, team and network about your proposed course/ study to gain their insights into how this may contribute to your growth and development, the team and organisation as whole. 
  • Watch the 2023 recording of WiT Scholarship Zoom information session, or join the next on Thursday 28 March (Zoom link will be available on this page closer to the date).
  • Consider reaching out to our WiT Scholars and alumni via LinkedIn to gain their insights on the potential impact of your chosen course/study and their experiences of work-life-study balance.
  • Review the assessment rubric that is used by the assessment panel to score candidate applications.
Women in Transport (WiT) Leadership Development Scholarship Program: Assessment rubric
PDF 168.4 KB
(opens in a new window)
  • Copy the application questions (below) into a Word document and begin preparing your answers, ready for submission via the online form when applications open on Monday 4 March 2024.

Application questions

Applicants can provide either a written submission (a maximum of 1,100 words or 1,400 words if completing the optional diverse cohort question), OR alternatively prepare a 10-minute video submission.

The submission should specifically highlight and address each of the following questions individually:

  1. What course have you identified and why? (Max 100 words)
  2. How will your chosen course/study:
    1. align to your career goals? (Max 200 words)
    2. enhance your leadership capability (i.e. how will this pitch you against your counterparts)? (Max 200 words) 
    3. benefit your team and wider organisation? (Max 150 words)
    4. link to the Victorian Government Transport / Transport Infrastructure programs, policies, or key priorities? (Max 100 words)
    5. set you up for success in the transport / transport infrastructure industry? (Max 150 words)
  3. Is there a key piece of work, project or identified challenge/gap that you can address in your current role by completing this course? (Max 200 words)

Additional question (optional):

Please share your personal story and how you’ve navigated any life or workplace challenges you have experienced due to intersectional gender inequality. How would this scholarship support you in this? (Max 300 words or 2 minutes if video).

Elements of a good application 

Outlined below is a list of feedback provided by the various assessment panels over the past three years. Please consider this feedback when preparing your application:

Good exampleWeak example
1. Clear stakeholder engagement for industry implementation
Demonstrates a comprehensive plan for all-of-industry.
Lacks clarity on stakeholder engagement and industry replication, focusing more on personal development.
2. Strategic alignment and benefits for the sector
Clearly articulates strategic alignment, benefits for the sector, and a plan for replication or scaling.
Fails to articulate strategic alignment and industry benefits, focusing more on personal development outcomes.
3. Timeline plan with deliverables
Presents a well-thought-out plan with deliverables, timelines, and a clear approach to industry replication.
Lacks detail in planning, deliverables, and stakeholder engagement, focusing more on self-upskilling.
4. Addressing knowledge gaps at sector level
Identifies and addresses knowledge gaps in the sector, contributing to industry development.
Identifies and addresses knowledge gaps in the sector, contributing to industry development.
5. Externally focused application
Articulates the gap challenge, benefits for the sector, and plans for industry replication.
Internally focused, missing clarity on sector benefits and replication plans.
6. Passion for the role and industry
Demonstrates a clear passion for the role and industry, with articulate and engaging responses.
Lacks enthusiasm and passion for the industry in responses.
7. Completing projects on time and to budget
Shows a strong application with clear outcomes, timelines, and alignment with government strategies.
Lacks planning and outlining deliverables clearly, focusing more on personal development.
8. Unique perspective and contribution to industry
Provides a unique perspective, clear links to industry benefits, and a concise presentation.
Shows interest in a specific field but lacks clear connections to broader industry benefits.

Panel comments on successful applications

1. Focus of study
·        Recognised real value for community and planning reform.
·        Demonstrated potential to influence the industry broadly.
2. Identification of gaps and strategies
·        Clearly identified gaps, articulated relevant strategies, and demonstrated a focus on internal stakeholders with potential for industry expansion.
3. E.g. Adoption of innovative technologies/initiatives:
·        E.g. Addressed the adoption of a particular initiative/innovation and its impact/ability to aid minority cohorts such as people with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse staff.
4. Improving wellbeing and deliverables
·        Proposed initiatives to improve staff wellbeing, directly impacting community deliverables.
5. Interest in industry development
·        Clearly expressed interest in developing skills to benefit both the organisation (MTIA) and the broader industry.

Remember, a successful application combines passion, clear planning, industry relevance, and a focus on addressing critical gaps for the benefit of the sector. Craft your responses thoughtfully, emphasising not only personal growth but also the positive impact on the industry.

Additional supporting resources

There is a range of additional support and resources to support your application, including: 

  • the WiT Strategy
  • your organisation’s Gender Equality Action Plan
  • the Building Equality Policy
  • the Departmental Strategic Pillars
  • Industry objectives, barriers and challenges.

We wish you the best of luck with your application! If you have questions, please reach out to the WiT Programs Team via email: 
