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Privacy notice

Learn about how we handle your information when registering for the Best Start, Best Life 2023 Educational Leaders Conference.

By completing the registration form and providing your details, you have agreed to providing your information via the Eventbrite system and for your information to handled, including to be collected, used and disclosed as described in this notice.

The Best Start Best Life 2023 Educational Leaders conference (conference) is a one-day conference where childhood Educational Leaders, experts and practitioners from across the state will be able to engage in an evidence-informed discussion about high-quality teaching in early childhood. The conference is hosted by the Department of Education (the department) at the Melbourne Convention Centre and online via live streaming.

What information will be collected and why is it needed?

The information required is demographic data including:

  • your name
  • email and phone contact details
  • details of your role and the organisation you are employed by.

The information you provide in Eventbrite will be provided to Department of Education staff involved in administering the conference. The information is needed to be able to register you for the conference, check you are eligible to attend, provide you with the information needed to attend (either in-person or online) and ask if you would like to opt-in to undertake a voluntary survey to provide feedback on the event. You may be providing a small amount of health information if you indicate you have dietary or accessibility – this information will be used by Department of Education staff to make appropriate adjustments to food provided and/or accessibility at the event.

The department protects your personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) and the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic).

What will the information be used for?

The Department will use your personal information for the purpose of registering and administering your attendance at the conference, and to ensure the event is accessible for you. This will involve providing your name, contact details, role and the organisation to Conference Works to:

  • enable in-person participants to register for the conference at the start of the event
  • enable online participants to access the conference via live-streaming
  • enable all conference participants to access a conference app.

If you have opted in for the post-conference survey your name, contact information, role and organisation details will be provided to Hall & Partners to contact you to complete a voluntary post-conference feedback survey. If you opt in your survey answers will be de-identified and any details from your individual response will not be published. The survey will be used to understand the value of the conference and improve future department events.

Information collected by the department will be used or disclosed for the purposes stated in the Notice or where otherwise permitted by law.

How will my information be secured?

Your personal information will be managed securely and consistently with Victorian Privacy laws, by both the Department of Education, Conference Works and for participants who have opted into the survey, to Hall & Partners.

Your personal information will be stored securely on:

  • Department servers
  • Conference Works will store information on EventsAir servers
  • Hall & Partners servers (for participants who have opted into the survey only).

Only those administering conference from the Department or Conference Works and those providing technical support at EventsAir or those administering the post-conference survey from Hall & Partners will have access to your data.

Filming and photography

For in-person conference attendees only, the Department of Education will be taking photos and filming at the Best Start, Best Life 2023 Educational Leaders Conference. These images will be used by the Department of Education to share news, for example about the event and future events/professional development opportunities.

Images and videos may be used in printed materials and published on the Department of Education’s website and social media channels.

If you would prefer not to be photographed or filmed, please let the staff at the registration desk know. They will provide a sticker for you to display clearly on your lapel. This will ensure you are not photographed/filmed or featured in published photos or videos if you are inadvertently photographed/filmed.

Further information

For further information on this statement, or to request access and correction of personal information contact

For more information about the way the department collects and handles personal information, including access, correction and complaints, read our privacy policy.

For further information about the way that Eventbrite handles personal information, read their privacy policy.

For further information about the way that EventsAir handles personal information, read their privacy policy.
