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Confidentiality refers to the ability of students to ensure information discussed with headspace is not shared with others unless it is with the consent of the student or it is otherwise required or permitted by law.

It is important that confidentiality is discussed prior to referral and students understand that the sessions are confidential. This means that the clinician will only discuss what has been discussed in the counselling sessions with other people such as the school, family or other health professionals if given permission by the student.

In instances where this occurs, the clinician and student will agree together about what information (and how much detail) is provided to others.

The following exceptions to the duty of confidentiality will apply:

  • The student or their parent/carer consents to the
  • The disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious and imminent threat to any person’s life, health, safety or welfare.
  • The disclosure is necessary to prevent a serious threat to public health, safety or welfare.
  • There is another legal requirement for the disclosure, such as where production of documents is required by a subpoena.
  • If the student is not a mature minor, information may be shared with a parent/carer.

Students and their parents/carers at participating schools will have access to detailed information sheets through their school contact and via headspace.
