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Establish a Family Violence Housing Assistance Implementation Task Force

Recommendation 019


Who is leading the change

Department of Health and Human Services

The Victorian Government establish a Family Violence Housing Assistance Implementation Task Force consisting of senior representatives from the public and commercial housing sectors and family violence specialists. The task force, which should report through the Minister for Housing to the Cabinet Family Violence Sub-committee, should:

  • oversee a process designed to remove blockages in access to family violence crisis accommodation by rapidly rehousing family violence victims living in crisis and transitional accommodation
  • design, oversee and monitor the first 18-month phase of the proposed expanded Family Violence Flexible Support Packages (including rental subsidies)
  • quantify the number of additional social housing units required for family violence victims who are unable to gain access to and sustain private rental accommodation
  • subject to evaluation of the proposed expanded Family Violence Flexible Support Packages, plan for the statewide roll-out of the packages (including rental subsidies) and the social housing required
