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Fund and complete works at all Magistrates' Court of Victoria headquarter courts

Recommendation 070


Who is leading the change

Court Services Victoria

The Victorian Government fund and complete works to ensure all Magistrates’ Court of Victoria headquarter courts:

  • provide safe waiting areas and rooms for co-located service providers
  • provide accessibility for people with disabilities
  • provide proper security staffing and equipment
  • provide separate entry and exit points for applicants and respondents
  • provide private interview rooms for use by registrars and service providers
  • provide remote witness facilities, to allow witnesses to give evidence off site and from court-based interview rooms
  • provide adequate facilities for children and ensure that courts are ‘child-friendly’
  • use multi-lingual and multi-format signage
  • use pre-existing local facilities and structures to accommodate proceedings or associated aspects of court business - for example, for use as safe waiting areas.

Prior to all family violence matters being heard and determined in specialist family violence courts, the Victorian Government should fund and complete works to ensure that those magistrates’ courts (and children’s courts) that deal with a high volume of family violence–related matters have similar capacity.
