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Halima Mohamud

Halima Mohamud's extensive work continues to touch the lives of Somalis, particularly women.

Honour Roll

Back home in Somalia, Halima Mohamud worked as a Member of Parliament for 21 years and was well known and respected in the community. People trusted her to deliver on her promises.

After arriving in Australia four years ago, Halima volunteered her time to establish an exercise program for ten Somali women in Melbourne's west. In 2006, she set up another activity and support group for Somali woman in the area, and what started as a program for eight women has now grown to include a range of activities for more than 40 participants.

Thanks to Halima's leadership and commitment, these women are gradually leaving the troubles of Somalia behind and focusing on a brighter future.

As well as sharing her sewing, knitting and cooking skills with the women, Halima is providing opportunities for them to make friends and get involved in the broader community. The program has also helped to break down barriers between women from different regions in Somalia.

The program now has links to Victoria University and Halima has helped 17 of the women take up study in the areas of hospitality, hairdressing, child care and aged care.

Her work has successfully united a group of women from different regions, providing them with skills, networks and opportunities to help them make the most of their new community.
