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Job searching with a criminal record

Job searching with a criminal record

Looking for work and have a criminal record?

This animation will help unpack when and why an employer might ask about your record and what it means when applying for jobs. 

View a summary of the key messages from this animation here:

Job searching with a criminal record infographic
PDF 3.8 MB
(opens in a new window)

Interview tips and tricks

What should you say when talking to an employer about your criminal record?

This animation will give you some tips to improve your chances of nailing your interview.

View a summary of the key messages from this animation here:

Interview tips and tricks infographic
PDF 1.62 MB
(opens in a new window)

Youth offences and your adult record

Looking for work and have youth offences?

This animation will help you understand how they might impact your adult record.

View a summary of the key messages from this animation here:

Youth offences and your adult record infographic
PDF 825.52 KB
(opens in a new window)

The content on this page is for information only and is not legal advice.
