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Kerryn Manning

At 29, Kerryn Manning, of Great Western, is the only person in the Southern Hemisphere who has driven 300 horses to a win in a season.

Honour Roll

She is known as 'the face of harness racing'. She is also the youngest Australasian harness racing driver to reach 2000 career wins and holds the world record for the most wins by a female driver.

Kerryn has been driving horses professionally since she was 16 and is an official ambassador for her sport having been involved in several marketing campaigns for harness racing. Kerryn is a positive and enthusiastic role model for women.

"I guess I am proud of my achievements," Kerryn said. "I never expected to get as far as I did. I was just happy to get a ride."

A humble champion who prefers to let her racetrack performances do the talking, Kerryn is tireless in her support for young women trying to break into the industry.

"A lot more women are getting into it now. It has been great the past few years," Kerryn said. Kerryn is a big supporter of the pony trot circuit for children aged six to 15, which features about 70 races a year. "The circuit is a great way to get more women involved in sport," Kerryn said.

Kerryn said the go-get-them attitude of Gaita Pullicino inspired her to keep at it and do her best. "She used to beat me all the time and I just thought her attitude towards everything she did was great," Kerryn said. She said those wanting to do well in the industry, needed patience, be prepared to work hard and expect many late nights. Working in a male-dominated industry has never been a problem for Kerryn. "Hopefully more women will get involved in harness racing - maybe we can take over from the men one day."
